Copy TPK to a PC
Rename file from *.tpk to *.zip then unzip the file
Open the file \servicedescriptions\mapserver\mapserver.json in a text editor
Search for all instances of “mapScale”, and change any non-zero mapScale values to 0
Save mapserver.json
Select all of the folders that were in the TPK
Rezip all of the folders that were produced when unzipping the original file. The re-zip must be done without compression. This is the trickiest step, as the default windows zip tool cannot do this. You will need a zip utility like 7-zip that has the option to simply archive with no compression.
Rename file back to *.tpk
Copy TPK back to the appropriate folder in your MobileMap directory on your mobile device
Why can’t I
see any base maps in MobileMap?
I used the Download Basemap tool and it seemed to work as expected - displayed a message that base map had been downloaded, but I don’t see my base map - just a blank screen. How can I get my base map working?
If this does not resolved the upload error please contact your MobileMap support or submit a ticket via support@masonbrucesupport@masonbruce.atlassian.net.
Why are data that I deleted data in InventoryManager still showing up in MobileMap, even after I downloaded to get my changes?
I collected data in MobileMap, uploaded those data, and then I edited my data in InventoryManager. During my edits, I updated some records, added some records, and deleted others. Then, I needed to go back out in the field, so I downloaded my changes in MobileMap. The data that were created or updated in InventoryManager showed up as expected, but data that were deleted in InventoryManager were still visible in MobileMap. I was expecting to see those data deleted in MobileMap as well. Why did this happen and what can I do to resolve this?
MobileMap uses separate upload and download actions, rather than Esri’s ‘sync’ functionality when updating data. MobileMap’s upload/download is better suited to poor internet connections and provides better control over data by separating into distance upload and download actions, but has one major difference from Esri’s ‘sync’. In MobileMap, data deleted in a feature service are NOT downloaded as changes. This means that data deleted in InventoryManager, ArcGIS Pro or other tools will still show up in MobileMap even after a download. When deletes must be ‘pulled’ down to MobileMap, it is necessary to re-initialize and re-download to synchronize MobileMap’s data with the data on the Feature Service. Given this limitation, some users choose to use InventoryManager as a read-only tool for data review but not editing, or to use InventoryManager for updates only (no deletes), and use MobileMap for edits or deletes, respectively. Similarly, some users allow editing/deleting in InventoryManager only for a subset of their users (e.g., staff but not contractors).