Settings > Tree Sampling> General
Use Tree Sampling - Check box to indicate that tree sampling may be used to determine if a tree should be measured rather than tallied. When enabled, MobileMap will alert cruiser when recording the nth tree so cruiser knows to measure DBH, height, etc. Complete settings below to define the sampling type field and values representing the different supported sampling types
Stand-Level Sample Type Field - Name of field in the Stands table that stores the type of sampling (if any) should be used for a given plot. Default field name is 'Sample_Type'. MobileMap expects that this field will use a coded value domain with the following values for supporting sampling types: BB = Big BAF, STR = Sample Tree Ratio, FTN = First Tree North, PCM = Point Count or Measure, None = no sampling.
Plot-Level Sample Type Field - Name of field in the Plots table that stores the type of sampling (if any) should be used for a given plot. For 'Point Count Measure' approach, sample type at the Stand level will be used to set plots to Count or Measure. Default field name is 'Sample_Type'. MobileMap expects that this field will use a coded value domain with the following values for supporting sampling types: BB = Big BAF, STR = Sample Tree Ratio, FTN = First Tree North, PCMC = PCM Count, PCMM = PCM Measure, Tally = all trees tallied (same as PCMC, all trees counted and not measured) None = no sampling (same as PCMM, all trees measured).
Tree-Level Sample Type Field Name and Values - Name of field in the Trees table (field name should be different than plot-level sample type field) that stores whether tree is a Measure tree or a Tally tree, and the values representing 'measure' and 'tally'. Use colons to separate 3 components. Typically the values will come from a coded value domain assigned to this field. Default field name is 'Sample' and values are 'M' and 'T' (e.g., 'Sample_Type:M:T',without quotes). Note, cannot use non-nullable fields for fields like DHB or Height, since tally trees do not require these measurements (Species and Tally or Count can be non-nullable).
Settings > Tree Sampling> Sample Group Methods - FTN, STR
Tree Sample Group Attribute Fields - Comma separated list of fields in the tree table that define a sample group for First Tree North (FTN) and sample tree ratio (STR) subsampling. Default value is 'Species,Product' (without quotes).
Sample Tree Ratios Field - Field in the Stand and/or Plot table that stores the sample tree ratios. Default value is 'Sample_Tree_Ratios' (without quotes).
Default Sample Tree Ratios - Comma This setting can be used to pre-populate the Sample Tree Ratio editor when setting Sample Tree Ratios on a newly created Stand in MobileMap. To use this setting, enter a comma separated list of sample tree ratio entries. For each sample tree ratio, enter the grouping fields and the ratio, separated by colons. For default, use 'XX' for text or '0' for integer fields. E.g., 'DF:S:5,DF:P:10,GF:XX:2,XX:XX:3' (without quotes) indicates that every 5th Douglas fir sawtimber tree, every 10th Doug fir Pulp tree, every second Grand fir (any product), and every third tree for all other species and products should be measured and the rest of the trees should be tallied by species or species + product (according to the Sample Tree Ratio Fields above). Each sample tree ratio included here will be included when populating a new sample tree ratio entry using the sample tree ratio Sample Tree Ratio editing tool. Once createdThe default Sample Tree Ratios have been populated in the tool, they can be modified or augmented within that tool to achieve the specific Sample Tree Ratios desired for the current Stand.
Settings > Tree Sampling> Big BAF
Tree-Level BAF Field for Big BAF method - Name of field in the Trees table that stores the type of BAF that includes a given tree. Default field name is 'BAF_Type'. MobileMap expects that this field will use a coded value domain with the following values BAF types: B = Big BAF, S = Small BAF.