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In order to support sampling, several fields must be included in the cruise data model

Stands and Plots Layers

  • Sample_Type

    • This field should be a text field in both the Plot and Stand feature layers that uses a Coded Value Domain that lists all double sampling methods that are supported, and an option for 'None'.  The list of accepted values are: 

    • BB = Big BAF

    • STR = Sample Tree Ratio

    • FTN = First Tree North,

    • PCM = Point Count or Measure

    • None = no sampling

  • Big_BAF BAF - Optional

    • If the Big BAF method is supported, this field should be a text field that uses a Coded Value Domain that lists all of the BAF values that are appropriate for Big BAF.  Allowed values should follow the same convention

  • PCM_Ratio Ratio - Optional

    • If Point Count Measure method is supported, this field should be a text field that uses a Coded Value Domain that lists all of the allowed ratios in the format of '1:2', '1:3', '1:4', etc.

  • STR_Ratios - Optional

    • if Sample Tree Ratios are supported, this field should be a text field that will store a comma separated list of ratios (e.g., 'DF:S:5,DF:P:10,GF:XX:2,XX:XX:3'). Both MobileMap and InventoryManager contain tools for authoring sample tree ratios by selecting the species, product and ratio for each sample group.

Trees Table

  • Tally_Measure Measure - Recommended

    • This field should be a text field in the Tree feature table that uses a Coded Value Domain with the values 'M' for measure and 'T' for tally.  MobileMap will update this field automatically when it can determine if a tree should be measured or tallied.  Automatic determination of T or M will be possible for PCM, FTN and STR, but not for Big BAF

  • BAF_Type - Optional

    • If Big BAF is supported, this field should be present in the Trees feature table and use a Coded Value Domain with the values ‘B' for big and 'S’ for small.


In addition to these fields, there are a number of settings in MobileMap that need to be configured depending upon which Double Sampling methods are supported


As described above, the double sampling logic in MobileMap will typically evaluate each tree to determine if it is a ‘measure tree’ (e.g., Tally_Measure field set to 'M'). Business rules then enforce the desired logic for measure trees. Below are some example business rules:

  • If the field ‘Tally_Measure’ is equal to ‘M' then the field ‘DBH’ cannot be equal to Null

  • If the field ‘Tally_Measure’ is equal to ‘M' then the field 'Height’ cannot be equal to Null

  • If the field ‘Tally_Measure’ is equal to ‘M' then the field 'Crown_Ratio’ cannot be equal to Null

  • If the field ‘Tally_Measure’ is equal to ‘M' then the field 'Form_Class’ cannot be equal to Null

When only Big_BAF is used (not Sample Tree Ratio, First Tree North or Point Count or Measure), business rules would enforce the desired logic for big (B) BAF or small (S) BAF trees. Below are some example business rules:

  • If the field ‘BAF_Type’ is equal to ‘B' then the field ‘DBH’ cannot be equal to Null

  • If the field ‘BAF_Type’ is equal to ‘B' then the field ‘Height’ cannot be equal to Null