This list of versions and their associated release notes is intended to help users decide if/when it is appropriate for them to update MobileMap to take advantage of new features or bug fixes.
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MobileMap 4.4.22 (3/24/2024)
Download Basemaps
Modified Download Basemap user interface to support smaller landscape oriented screens like the Trimble TSC5 by moving the dropdowns and buttons to the top of the form.
Tree List
Added support for dynamically setting a default value for a tree field based on the value entered in a different tree field. Example use case - set the default stump height based on DBH ranges or set the default product based on species. Accessible via new Custom Tree Field Default Logic setting (Settings > MobileMap Cruise > Trees > Custom Tree Field Default Logic).
MobileMap 4.4.21 (1/29/2024)
Tree List
Update to plot level attribute added at 4.4.20 - now supports display of code or description if field uses Coded Value Domain (e.g., Plot Type)
Download Parameters
Modified the Download Parameters user interface to prevent the complete exclusion of Rules and Related_Domains from downloads. Users can still apply filters to limit the specific Rules and Related_Domains from downloads, including filters that could restrict all downloads, but users will not be able to uncheck the boxes and thus prevent download completely for these 2 key business tables.
Double Sampling
Modified double sampling code to fix issue observed with STRs. Issue was caused by special case where plots were downloaded without their stands. Existing code had used spatial query to get stand attributes, including the stand Unique ID. In case where stands were not present, Unique ID was not found. Modified by providing multiple ways to get Unique ID and other stand info. First, Stand Unique ID is retrieved from the Plot (Parent ID). Then, search is made on Stands to find the stand record. If not found, spatial search is made to get stand.
Added new setting that will enable automatic update of Observer ID (Cruiser ID) when manually updating the plot Status to Cruised. Only applies to Plots (not Stands). Compliments the existing Cruiser ID Update Logic setting which can be set to control the logic on if/when to update Cruiser ID when plot is closed with at least one tree.
Removed support for standalone ArcGIS Server (Server without Portal) as this is no longer needed.
Updated license URL to hit new license URL.
Fixed issue with photo capture on Samsung Tab Active 3 devices. These photos report orientation 'undefined' in their header which was causing incorrect rotation. Fix was to skip rotation when reported orientation 'undefined'. Resulting image will still be scaled as requested. Output EXIF header will report orientation 'undefined'.
Bug Fixes
Fixed bug introduced at 4.4.20 with Download Base Map functionality. Was working for Portal users but not for AGOL users. Bug has been fixed and was tested with both AGOL and Portal.
Newly discovered issue (added to known issues at bottom as well)
Known issue documented with photo capture. MobileMap will crash if taking a photo with device in different than MobileMap. For example, if using MobileMap in landscape and device is oriented to portrait while taking a photo and left in portrait while returning to MobileMap, app will crash.
Workaround - re-orient device to the orientation you were using in MobileMap BEFORE accepting the photo (typically done by tapping ‘OK’) that was just taken. This restores the device into the same orientation it was in prior to the photo and MobileMap will reload as expected.