This list of versions and their associated release notes is intended to help users decide if/when it is appropriate for them to update MobileMap to take advantage of new features or bug fixes.
Table of Contents |
MobileMap 4.4.23 (4/29/2024)
Geometry Editing
Added ability to create Multipart Polygons by merging the selected Polygon into another Polygon in the same layer. The workflow is:
Use Identify tools and select the Polygon layer of interest
Tap on a Polygon that should be merged into another
In the Query Results form, select the merge button
Read the instructions and select ‘confirm’
When the map is reloaded, tap on the Polygon that should receive the additional shape
Note that first Polygon will be deleted and its shape (and associated area) will be added to the target feature. This operation cannot be undone.
Stand Summary
Added the following calculations for Trees Per Plot, Basal Area and Trees Per Acre
Standard Error (absolute, not percent)
Standard Deviation / SQRT(n)
Achieved Error (percent):
Confidence Interval / Mean * 100
MobileMap 4.4.22 (3/24/2024)
Download Basemaps
Modified Download Basemap user interface to support smaller landscape oriented screens like the Trimble TSC5 by moving the dropdowns and buttons to the top of the form.
Tree List
Added support for dynamically setting a default value for a tree field based on the value entered in a different tree field. Example use case - set the default stump height based on DBH ranges or set the default product based on species. Accessible via new Custom Tree Field Default Logic setting (Settings > MobileMap Cruise > Trees > Custom Tree Field Default Logic).