Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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This list of versions and their associated release notes is intended to help users decide if/when it is appropriate for them to update MobileMap to take advantage of new features or bug fixes.

Table of Contents

MobileMap 4.4.


24 (





  • Geometry Editing

    • Added ability to create Multipart Polygons by merging the selected Polygon into another Polygon in the same layer. The workflow is:

      • Use Identify tools and select the Polygon layer of interest

      • Tap on a Polygon that should be merged into another

      • In the Query Results form, select the merge button image-20240429-225509.pngImage Removed

      • Read the instructions and select ‘confirm’

      • When the map is reloaded, tap on the Polygon that should receive the additional shape

    • Note that first Polygon will be deleted and its shape (and associated area) will be added to the target feature. This operation cannot be undone.

  • Stand Summary

    • Added the following calculations for Trees Per Plot, Basal Area and Trees Per Acre

      • Standard Error (absolute, not percent)

        • Standard Deviation / SQRT(n)

      • Achieved Error (percent):

        • Confidence Interval / Mean * 100

MobileMap 4.4.22 (3/24/2024)

  • Download Basemaps

    • Modified Download Basemap user interface to support smaller landscape oriented screens like the Trimble TSC5 by moving the dropdowns and buttons to the top of the form.

  • Tree List

    • Added support for dynamically setting a default value for a tree field based on the value entered in a different tree field. Example use case - set the default stump height based on DBH ranges or set the default product based on species. Accessible via new Custom Tree Field Default Logic setting (Settings > MobileMap Cruise > Trees > Custom Tree Field Default Logic).

MobileMap 4.4.21 (1/29/2024)

  • Tree List

    • Update to plot level attribute added at 4.4.20 - now supports display of code or description if field uses Coded Value Domain (e.g., Plot Type)

  • Download Parameters

    • Modified the Download Parameters user interface to prevent the complete exclusion of Rules and Related_Domains from downloads. Users can still apply filters to limit the specific Rules and Related_Domains from downloads, including filters that could restrict all downloads, but users will not be able to uncheck the boxes and thus prevent download completely for these 2 key business tables.

  • Double Sampling

    • Modified double sampling code to fix issue observed with STRs. Issue was caused by special case where plots were downloaded without their stands. Existing code had used spatial query to get stand attributes, including the stand Unique ID. In case where stands were not present, Unique ID was not found. Modified by providing multiple ways to get Unique ID and other stand info. First, Stand Unique ID is retrieved from the Plot (Parent ID). Then, search is made on Stands to find the stand record. If not found, spatial search is made to get stand.

  • Settings

    • Added new setting that will enable automatic update of Observer ID (Cruiser ID) when manually updating the plot Status to Cruised. Only applies to Plots (not Stands). Compliments the existing Cruiser ID Update Logic setting which can be set to control the logic on if/when to update Cruiser ID when plot is closed with at least one tree.

    • Removed support for standalone ArcGIS Server (Server without Portal) as this is no longer needed.

    • Updated license URL to hit new license URL.

  • Photos

    • Fixed issue with photo capture on Samsung Tab Active 3 devices. These photos report orientation 'undefined' in their header which was causing incorrect rotation. Fix was to skip rotation when reported orientation 'undefined'. Resulting image will still be scaled as requested. Output EXIF header will report orientation 'undefined'.

  • Bug Fixes

    • Fixed bug introduced at 4.4.20 with Download Base Map functionality. Was working for Portal users but not for AGOL users. Bug has been fixed and was tested with both AGOL and Portal.

  • Newly discovered issue (added to known issues at bottom as well)

    • Known issue documented with photo capture. MobileMap will crash if taking a photo with device in different than MobileMap. For example, if using MobileMap in landscape and device is oriented to portrait while taking a photo and left in portrait while returning to MobileMap, app will crash.

    • Workaround - re-orient device to the orientation you were using in MobileMap BEFORE accepting the photo (typically done by tapping ‘OK’) that was just taken. This restores the device into the same orientation it was in prior to the photo and MobileMap will reload as expected.

MobileMap 4.4.20 (10/30/2023)

Note: this version has a known bug which prevented the download of base maps from AGOL. It should only be used by Portal users.

  • Tree List

    • Modified Tree List to allow users to select any plot-level attribute to display at the top of the tree list, along with a label short name. The MobileMap default is to display 'Plot' as the label and the value of the Plot_ID field. This can now be set to any plot-level attribute field. If the combined label and value that would be produced is greater than 12 characters, MobileMap will only display the value (without a label). Providing a short name can help overcome this limitation. For example, a setting of 'Typ:Plot_Type' may help to ensure that the label and value are shown for plot type.

  • Base Map Download

    • Fixed issue with download of ArcGIS Online base maps for Portal users. Note that ArcGIS Online base map support for Portal users requires that each desired base map source is registered within Portal.

MobileMap 4.4.19 (9/22/2023)

MobileMap 4.4.18 (8/25/2023)

  • Layer Editing

    • Fixed functionality introduced at 4.4.12 with new settings option (MSS 371) ) to hide irrelevant features from picklists (Settings > Data Collection and Editing > Hide Irrelevant Layers) when selecting layers for Identify (query), Draw, GPS, Edit and Tracking. This option was meant to hide read-only (non-editable) layers AND hidden layers (checkbox unchecked in the Select Layer Display Properties dialog) from Draw, GPS, Edit and Tracking, but was not hiding hidden layers from these picklists. This fix now correctly hides both read-only layers AND hidden layers from these picklists. For the Identify (query) picklist, it always hides read-only layers and now will correctly hide hidden layers when the option to hide irrelevant features is selected.

  • Plots

    • Added support for hiding Unique_ID and Parent_ID fields on Plots layer. Previously, if these fields were hidden, they were not properly populated when manually creating a single plot within a stand using draw mode (pencil tool) or GPS mode. This required keeping these fields visible (but read only). Now they can be hidden completely (Settings > Data Model > Hidden Fields) and they will function as expected.

  • Stands

    • Fixed bug in Stand Summaries that calculated confidence intervals at 95% for volume calculations regardless of the setting in Stand and Plot Summaries > Confidence Level. Not relevant to any users at this time as volumes are not being calculated in MobileMap by any customers.

  • Trees

    • Added support for multiple height measurements when using LTI laser rangefinder. This had already been implemented for Haglöf and now works for LTI units.

  • Mobile Device Management (MDM) Systems

    Fixed settings for 'use portal' and 'client id' within Mobile Device Management (MDM) systems. These settings have been visible to MDMs but until this release, only the Portal URL and the Portal Name have been saving to devices.

    Bug fixes

    • Fixed 2 bugs with functionality that supports auto-update of Cruiser ID when status manually updated to one of the cruised status values (e.g., Cruised, Checked).

      • Had been working for Status fields of String data type, but not for fields of Integer data type.

      • Was resulting in crash if the option for Observer ID (ALL CAPS) or ArcGIS Username (ALL CAPS) was selected but corresponding setting (Observer ID or ArcGIS Username) were not set.

    • Fixed bug in Custom Tree Field Default Logic in which the < operator was not working correctly. Also added support for <= and >= operators.

    • Updated recent changes to the Plot Label on the Tree List to support a maximum of 8 characters. Had been supporting all characters in the code or description (depending on which was selected) which caused some buttons to push right on smaller devices like phones when a label field's description was more than 8 characters long.

MobileMap 4.4.23 (4/29/2024)

  • Geometry Editing

    • Added ability to create Multipart Polygons by merging the selected Polygon into another Polygon in the same layer. The workflow is:

      • Use Identify tools and select the Polygon layer of interest

      • Tap on a Polygon that should be merged into another

      • In the Query Results form, select the merge button image-20240429-225509.pngImage Added

      • Read the instructions and select ‘confirm’

      • When the map is reloaded, tap on the Polygon that should receive the additional shape

    • Note that first Polygon will be deleted and its shape (and associated area) will be added to the target feature. This operation cannot be undone.

  • Stand Summary

    • Added the following calculations for Trees Per Plot, Basal Area and Trees Per Acre

      • Standard Error (absolute, not percent)

        • Standard Deviation / SQRT(n)

      • Achieved Error (percent):

        • Confidence Interval / Mean * 100

MobileMap 4.4.22 (3/24/2024)

  • Download Basemaps

    • Modified Download Basemap user interface to support smaller landscape oriented screens like the Trimble TSC5 by moving the dropdowns and buttons to the top of the form.

  • Tree List

    • Added support for dynamically setting a default value for a tree field based on the value entered in a different tree field. Example use case - set the default stump height based on DBH ranges or set the default product based on species. Accessible via new Custom Tree Field Default Logic setting (Settings > MobileMap Cruise > Trees > Custom Tree Field Default Logic).

MobileMap 4.4.21 (1/29/2024)

  • Tree List

    • Update to plot level attribute added at 4.4.20 - now supports display of code or description if field uses Coded Value Domain (e.g., Plot Type)

  • Download Parameters

    • Modified the Download Parameters user interface to prevent the complete exclusion of Rules and Related_Domains from downloads. Users can still apply filters to limit the specific Rules and Related_Domains from downloads, including filters that could restrict all downloads, but users will not be able to uncheck the boxes and thus prevent download completely for these 2 key business tables.

  • Double Sampling

    • Modified double sampling code to fix issue observed with STRs. Issue was caused by special case where plots were downloaded without their stands. Existing code had used spatial query to get stand attributes, including the stand Unique ID. In case where stands were not present, Unique ID was not found. Modified by providing multiple ways to get Unique ID and other stand info. First, Stand Unique ID is retrieved from the Plot (Parent ID). Then, search is made on Stands to find the stand record. If not found, spatial search is made to get stand.

  • Settings

    • Added new setting that will enable automatic update of Observer ID (Cruiser ID) when manually updating the plot Status to Cruised. Only applies to Plots (not Stands). Compliments the existing Cruiser ID Update Logic setting which can be set to control the logic on if/when to update Cruiser ID when plot is closed with at least one tree.

    • Removed support for standalone ArcGIS Server (Server without Portal) as this is no longer needed.

    • Updated license URL to hit new license URL.

  • Photos

    • Fixed issue with photo capture on Samsung Tab Active 3 devices. These photos report orientation 'undefined' in their header which was causing incorrect rotation. Fix was to skip rotation when reported orientation 'undefined'. Resulting image will still be scaled as requested. Output EXIF header will report orientation 'undefined'.

  • Bug Fixes

    • Fixed bug introduced at 4.4.20 with Download Base Map functionality. Was working for Portal users but not for AGOL users. Bug has been fixed and was tested with both AGOL and Portal.

  • Newly discovered issue (added to known issues at bottom as well)

    • Known issue documented with photo capture. MobileMap will crash if taking a photo with device in different than MobileMap. For example, if using MobileMap in landscape and device is oriented to portrait while taking a photo and left in portrait while returning to MobileMap, app will crash.

    • Workaround - re-orient device to the orientation you were using in MobileMap BEFORE accepting the photo (typically done by tapping ‘OK’) that was just taken. This restores the device into the same orientation it was in prior to the photo and MobileMap will reload as expected.

MobileMap 4.4.20 (10/30/2023)

Note: this version has a known bug which prevented the download of base maps from AGOL. It should only be used by Portal users.

  • Tree List

    • Modified Tree List to allow users to select any plot-level attribute to display at the top of the tree list, along with a label short name. The MobileMap default is to display 'Plot' as the label and the value of the Plot_ID field. This can now be set to any plot-level attribute field. If the combined label and value that would be produced is greater than 12 characters, MobileMap will only display the value (without a label). Providing a short name can help overcome this limitation. For example, a setting of 'Typ:Plot_Type' may help to ensure that the label and value are shown for plot type.

  • Base Map Download

    • Fixed issue with download of ArcGIS Online base maps for Portal users. Note that ArcGIS Online base map support for Portal users requires that each desired base map source is registered within Portal.

MobileMap 4.4.19 (9/22/2023)

MobileMap 4.4.18 (8/25/2023)

  • Layer Editing

    • Fixed functionality introduced at 4.4.12 with new settings option (MSS 371) ) to hide irrelevant features from picklists (Settings > Data Collection and Editing > Hide Irrelevant Layers) when selecting layers for Identify (query), Draw, GPS, Edit and Tracking. This option was meant to hide read-only (non-editable) layers AND hidden layers (checkbox unchecked in the Select Layer Display Properties dialog) from Draw, GPS, Edit and Tracking, but was not hiding hidden layers from these picklists. This fix now correctly hides both read-only layers AND hidden layers from these picklists. For the Identify (query) picklist, it always hides read-only layers and now will correctly hide hidden layers when the option to hide irrelevant features is selected.

  • Plots

    • Added support for hiding Unique_ID and Parent_ID fields on Plots layer. Previously, if these fields were hidden, they were not properly populated when manually creating a single plot within a stand using draw mode (pencil tool) or GPS mode. This required keeping these fields visible (but read only). Now they can be hidden completely (Settings > Data Model > Hidden Fields) and they will function as expected.

  • Stands

    • Fixed bug in Stand Summaries that calculated confidence intervals at 95% for volume calculations regardless of the setting in Stand and Plot Summaries > Confidence Level. Not relevant to any users at this time as volumes are not being calculated in MobileMap by any customers.

  • Trees

    • Added support for multiple height measurements when using LTI laser rangefinder. This had already been implemented for Haglöf and now works for LTI units.

  • Mobile Device Management (MDM) Systems

    • Fixed settings for 'use portal' and 'client id' within Mobile Device Management (MDM) systems. These settings have been visible to MDMs but until this release, only the Portal URL and the Portal Name have been saving to devices.

Known Issues

  • Photo Rotation Issue - MobileMap will crash if taking a photo with device in different than MobileMap. For example, if using MobileMap in landscape and device is oriented to portrait while taking a photo and left in portrait while returning to MobileMap, app will crash. A workaround is to re-orient device to the orientation you were using in MobileMap BEFORE accepting the photo (typically done by tapping ‘OK’) that was just taken. This restores the device into the same orientation it was in prior to the photo and MobileMap will reload as expected.

  • Symbology - There is a specific scenario where symbology is not being properly updated in MobileMap until the app is restarted. This issue was fixed with the release of MobileMap 4.3.57 on 2/14/2022 but may show up in older versions of MobileMap. The steps which create this issue are as follows: upload data, download data, then modify the attribute which controls symbology (without restarting MobileMap). The workaround is to restart MobileMap after download and before editing data. Even when symbology is not properly updating all data are correctly saved and uploaded as expected. Thus the simple workaround (restart MobileMap) is effective and there is no concern of data loss.

  • Default Values - ArcGIS REST API version 10.9.1 has changed the way that default values are documented. This has caused MobileMap to stop applying default values defined in the data model. This will be addressed in a future release of MobileMap but in the meantime, ArcGIS Enterprise users running version 10.9.* can use configurable defaults to apply the same default values to any field. Starting at release 4.4.0 Configurable Defaults can be exported/imported via MobileMap settings (settings files or saved to a feature service).

Older Releases

MobileMap 4.4.17 (5/9/2023)

  • Stands

    • Improved description for Custom Stand Summary Calculations setting (Settings > MobileMap Cruise > Stand and Plot Summaries > Custom Stand Summary Calculations.

  • Sampling

    • Fixed bug with First Tree North (FTN) double sampling

MobileMap 4.4.16 (4/19/2023)

  • Trees

    • Made change to how tree list loads. Now tree list will open blank, and trees will be loaded to the list. Previously trees were loaded before displaying the list. When there are a large number of existing trees, the delay in opening the list caused some users to repeatedly tap the tree icon. Now the form should load quickly, even though it may take a few seconds to complete the load of all trees. Total time to complete load of list and all trees should remain unchanged.

  • Search

    • Fixed issue with Search tool where last used search operator did not automatically restore. The intent is for MobileMap to restore the settings of the last used search, where possible, to streamline repeat searches with same criteria (see notes in 4.4.15)

  • Stand Summary

    • Fixed bug introduced in 4.4.15 where Stand Summaries matched trees to incorrect plots. This caused the app to either crash (when Tally trees without DBH values were encountered), or possibly run but potentially producing incorrect Stand Summary values (where plot size or nested plot size vary among plots). If using Stand Summaries and version 4.4.15 please upgrade to this (4.4.16) release.

  • Laser Rangefinder Integration

    • Improved robustness of Bluetooth device connection. Previously often needed to open the Bluetooth device dialog twice before settings would take hold. Now should always work on first attempt.

    • Fixed bug that caused MobileMap to hang when using a Bluetooth laser rangefinder and backup interval exceeded. For example, if auto backup interval set to 20 trees and the 21st tree was recorded while Bluetooth rangefinder in use, MobileMap would attempt to auto-backup the database but would freeze as data input/output locked by Bluetooth connection. In this change, MobileMap will skip auto-backups while Tree List is open when using Bluetooth rangefinders. If needed, user can close and re-open tree list to force an auto-backup.

MobileMap 4.4.15 (4/11/2023)

  • Search

    • Added ability to use search when in edit mode.

    • Added ability to restore last field searched when opening search form.

    • Added 'Edit' button to each row in the search results table when search is run in Edit mode. Edit button automatically opens the feature in Edit mode.

  • Plots

    • Enhanced plot level calculations (updated when Tree List closes) to support calculating and storing basal area in addition to previously supported tree counts. Can calculate counts, basal area or both. Can use categorical (e.g., species) and ordinal (e.g., product numbers) values to group. Utilizes the 'Nested Plot Fields and Values' setting (if present) when calculating basal area to ensure correct nested plot BAF will be applied per tree.

  • Stands

    • Improved handling of Plot Size for calculations of Basal Area in Stand Summary. Now supports calculaton of BA on BAF plots (or nested plots) even when DBH not recored (e.g., tally trees). Previously trees on nested plots and without a DBH were being calculated using the plot BAF because nested plot BAF was not being retrieved if DBH not found. Minor improvements made to styling of plot list in Stand Summary.

  • Trees

    • Significant updates to Bluetooth capabilities for laser rangefinders including:

      • Improvements to the Bluetooth Device user interface

        • Better user messages, checkmarks when connected, cancel button to allow closing without saving)

        • Simplified list of devices to just those that are currently supported - Haglöf and LTI Laser Rangefinders.

      • Improved ability for MobileMap to re-connect to devices if they are paired and were previously configured.

      • Improved laser rangefinder read capabilities to read attributes as they stream in from a device. User does not need place the cursor in any specific cell, data will be read from device and placed in the appropriate cell in the selected tree row.

      • Added support for recording current GPS coordinates at time of laser rangefinder data capture, including calculation off of tree coordinates from GPS coordinates + distance + azimuth. When laser rangefinder data read from connected device, MobileMap records GPS data (if less than 5 seconds old) into fields in the tree table (Settings > MobileMap Cruise > Tree Offset Longitude Field and Tree Offset Lattitude Field).

      • When GPS coordinates + distance + azimuth all available, MobileMap calculates the tree location and records in appropriate fields (Settings > MobileMap Cruise > Tree Longitude Field and Tree Lattitude Field).

      • If Tree table is a Point layer and tree coordinates can be calculated, MobileMap will also create and save the geometry to the tree record .

      • Added Bluetooth read support for up to 3 tree height fields. If cursor remains on same tree row (without leaving tree) and laser rangefinder sends additional height measurements, the additional fields will be populated sequentially. With Haglöf devices this can be accomplished by taking just 1 additional height angle and pressing send. With LTI devices this will require a full repeat measurement (HD, Ang_1, Ang_2). Identify the appropriate tree table fields for storing each hight in (Settings > Tree Height 1 Field, Tree Height 2 Field, and Tree Height 3 Field).

      • Update to Tree List layout when using Bluetooth laser rangefinder - now column headers will have cyan background if configured for population by Bluetooth device and device is connected.

      • Check out updated documentation at MobileMap: Laser Rangefinder Integration

    • Sample Tree Ratios - Added tracking of Last Measure Tree. Can be viewed in the ‘Tree Sampling’ report accessed from Stand Actions. May be helpful when testing STR functionality and determining appropriate ratios.

  • Logs

    • Improved handling of inherited fields in Logs List. Inheritance now happens BEFORE testing of Rules so that inherited fields can be used in Rules. Previously inherited fields were being added after Rules tests were applied. Inheritance in Logs List now can inherit from Tree OR Plot. Previously inheritance in Logs always inherited from Plots. That approach was fine for assessing cruise design attributes like cruise spec, plot size, plot type, etc. New logic allows Logs to inherit tree attributes like Species or DBH which can be used to validate log attributes like length, product or grade. Note that currently Rules for logs only support Error rule types, not Warnings. If a Rule for Logs is created as a Warning, it will be treated as an Error and will need to be resolved before the log can be saved and the Log List closed.

  • Configurable Defaults

    • Modified configurable defaults to auto-reload the last selected layer when the dialog opens. This can save a step when frequently updating configurable defaults for a specific layer.

  • Navigation

    • Added new settings to better control navigation visual queues - now users can opt out of displaying straightline navigation and bearings for lines and polygons. This change was made because it is ambiguous which point on the polygon or line a user is navigating to - thus MobileMap displays a straighline path to the centroid of the feature. This may be relevant for longer distances and/or smaller features, but can be confusing when navigating to close or large features as straightline will not match nearest point.

    • Changed defaults on navigation proximity alerts and display settings (straightline navigation paths and displaying bearing) to default to showing all. Users can uncheck items to opt-out of navigation features.

    • Fixed issue with navigation that was preventing the location info (latitude, longitude, accuracy, elevation) when a feature is selected but navigation not being used (e.g., right after canceling navigation).

    • Changed default GPS setting to display GPS Accuracy (Settings > GPS and Compass > Display GPS Accuracy). Previously was set to NOT display this. Note that accuracy displayed is the accuracy reported by the device GPS (or Bluetooth connected GPS, if used) and is not calculated by MobileMap.

  • Stylus Only Mode

    • Extended stylus only mode to Tree List popups.

    • Added missing stylus-only logic for Copy button in tree list.

  • Observer/Cruiser ID

    • Improved handling of Observer ID (AKA Cruiser ID) to provide consistent handling across all uses of Observer ID. Now can select desisred logic in settings (Settings > Data Collection and Editing > Observer ID Logic) to choose whether the value used is the Observer ID (as-is), Observer ID converted to ALL CAPS, ArcGIS Username (assuming populated in Settings > Authentication > ArcGIS Username) or ArcGIS Username converted to ALL CAPS.

  • MobileMap Roads

    • Added support for Configurable Defaults and length and area calculations on auto-saved features. This ensures that key values can be populated even when no fields are required and thus form does not open when collecting spatial features using MobileMap Roads.

  • Bugs

    • Fixed bug that displayed 'Line to Point' option for non-Point features. This tool is only applicable when currently selected feature is a point.

    • Fixed bug that prevented saving and removing trees from tree list when using max rows AND tree count exceeds maximum tree rows (as selected in settings) AND tree has no errors but does have a warning(s).

    • Fixed bug with navigation that caused application to crash when navigating to features in identify mode.

    • Fixed bug that caused incorrect Tree IDs to be created following delete and insert of trees when the number of trees on the plot exceeded maximum tree rows (as selected in settings).

    • Fixed bug that broke Sample Tree Ratios for some users.

  • Other

    • Added padding to bottom of Download Parameters and Configurable Defaults dialogs to prevent software keyboard from covering editable fields.

    • Minor edits to Stand Actions (plot layout, STR report, Stand Summary) and Edit Mode (draw vs. vertex edit) to optimize layouts for phone. Added scrollbar and moved cancel button to top.

    • Rolled back change that had made layer picker forms non-cancelable. This was preventing use of the back hardware button for canceling selection of layers for query, draw, edit and the project folder selector.

    • Minor enhancements to Stand Actions: updated title to 'Select Stand Action', enabled back button to close Stand Actions and Tree Sampling dialogs, changed Stand Actions cancel button to top of dialog and renamed to Done for consistency with other dialogs.

    • Removed support for x86 and MIPS architectures thus reducing the size of the installer APK by half to ~15.2MB

MobileMap 4.4.14 (1/31/23)

  • Base Maps

    • Added a default, level 5, continuous United States base map to the MobileMap installer as well as the automated creation of a 'Default' folder when not found in the selected project folder. This should help with demos and new installations by providing a very coarse base map as spatial context and will eliminate map extent issues that can occur when using very small user-generated base maps.

    • Fixed issue where some devices produce base map downloads that end in '.tpk.part' instead of the standard '.tpk' file extension. Fixes this problem by overwriting the downloaded file with a new file using the correct extension.

  • Navigation

    • Added new settings to better control navigation visual queues - now users can opt out of displaying straight-line navigation and bearings for lines and polygons. Settings options in Measurement and Navigation now include the following checkboxes which all default to checked on a new installation (users can uncheck items to opt-out of navigation features):

      • Enable Proximity Alert for Points

      • Enable Proximity Alert for LinesDisplay Straight-line Navigation Path and Bearings for LinesEnable Proximity Alert for Polygons

      • Display Straight-line Navigation Path and Bearings for Polygons

    • Fixed issue with navigation that was preventing the location info (Lat/Lon/Accuracy/Elevation) from when a feature is selected but navigation not being used (e.g., right after canceling navigation).

  • Tree List

    • Fixed bug that caused incorrect Tree_IDs to be created when deleting or inserting trees and the number of trees on the plot exceeded the maximum number of allowed tree rows (based on setting in MobileMap Cruise > Trees)

  • Sample Tree Ratios

    • Updated tree sampling logic to fire whenever focus leaves any cell, not just cells that define sample groups. This allows tree sampling logic to work with default values (data model or configurable default) in one or both of the sample group definition fields. Previously the STR logic did not fire when using configurable defaults because users were not entering (and thus not leaving) these cells in a tree row.

    • Improved syntax of STR sampling report.

    • Changed logic for displaying the stand actions - previously went directly to Plot Layout or Stand Summary under some conditions.

  • Stand Actions

    • Minor enhancements to Stand Actions: updated title to 'Select Stand Action', enabled back button to close Stand Actions and Tree Sampling dialogs, changed Stand Actions cancel button to top of dialog and renamed to Done for consistency with other dialogs.

    • Now will always open the Stand Actions dialog because there are more options (Plot Layout, Stand Summary, Tree Sampling, Delete Plots) but buttons are disabled if their corresponding settings are disabled.

  • Stylus-only Mode

    • Improved stylus only mode be ensuring that all buttons, dropdown lists, editable text fields and map interactions comply with stylus only mode. Coverage should now be 100% complete for map interactions, tools launched from the map sidebar, spatial feature editing, and tree editing (including popups). Some secondary tools, for example tools launched from the Actions menu, may still respond to non-stylus touches when in stylus-only mode. Note that the software keyboard, which is a separate app in Android) still does not respect Stylus-only mode, presenting a limitation for users that do not use Popups.

  • Roads

    • Added support for Configurable Defaults and length and area calculations on auto-saved features. This ensures that key values can be populated even when no fields are required and thus form does not open when collecting spatial features using Roads.

Known Issues

  • Photo Rotation Issue - MobileMap will crash if taking a photo with device in different than MobileMap. For example, if using MobileMap in landscape and device is oriented to portrait while taking a photo and left in portrait while returning to MobileMap, app will crash. A workaround is to re-orient device to the orientation you were using in MobileMap BEFORE accepting the photo (typically done by tapping ‘OK’) that was just taken. This restores the device into the same orientation it was in prior to the photo and MobileMap will reload as expected.

  • Symbology - There is a specific scenario where symbology is not being properly updated in MobileMap until the app is restarted. This issue was fixed with the release of MobileMap 4.3.57 on 2/14/2022 but may show up in older versions of MobileMap. The steps which create this issue are as follows: upload data, download data, then modify the attribute which controls symbology (without restarting MobileMap). The workaround is to restart MobileMap after download and before editing data. Even when symbology is not properly updating all data are correctly saved and uploaded as expected. Thus the simple workaround (restart MobileMap) is effective and there is no concern of data loss.

  • Default Values - ArcGIS REST API version 10.9.1 has changed the way that default values are documented. This has caused MobileMap to stop applying default values defined in the data model. This will be addressed in a future release of MobileMap but in the meantime, ArcGIS Enterprise users running version 10.9.* can use configurable defaults to apply the same default values to any field. Starting at release 4.4.0 Configurable Defaults can be exported/imported via MobileMap settings (settings files or saved to a feature service).


      • Lines

      • Enable Proximity Alert for Polygons

      • Display Straight-line Navigation Path and Bearings for Polygons

    • Fixed issue with navigation that was preventing the location info (Lat/Lon/Accuracy/Elevation) from when a feature is selected but navigation not being used (e.g., right after canceling navigation).

  • Tree List

    • Fixed bug that caused incorrect Tree_IDs to be created when deleting or inserting trees and the number of trees on the plot exceeded the maximum number of allowed tree rows (based on setting in MobileMap Cruise > Trees)

  • Sample Tree Ratios

    • Updated tree sampling logic to fire whenever focus leaves any cell, not just cells that define sample groups. This allows tree sampling logic to work with default values (data model or configurable default) in one or both of the sample group definition fields. Previously the STR logic did not fire when using configurable defaults because users were not entering (and thus not leaving) these cells in a tree row.

    • Improved syntax of STR sampling report.

    • Changed logic for displaying the stand actions - previously went directly to Plot Layout or Stand Summary under some conditions.

  • Stand Actions

    • Minor enhancements to Stand Actions: updated title to 'Select Stand Action', enabled back button to close Stand Actions and Tree Sampling dialogs, changed Stand Actions cancel button to top of dialog and renamed to Done for consistency with other dialogs.

    • Now will always open the Stand Actions dialog because there are more options (Plot Layout, Stand Summary, Tree Sampling, Delete Plots) but buttons are disabled if their corresponding settings are disabled.

  • Stylus-only Mode

    • Improved stylus only mode be ensuring that all buttons, dropdown lists, editable text fields and map interactions comply with stylus only mode. Coverage should now be 100% complete for map interactions, tools launched from the map sidebar, spatial feature editing, and tree editing (including popups). Some secondary tools, for example tools launched from the Actions menu, may still respond to non-stylus touches when in stylus-only mode. Note that the software keyboard, which is a separate app in Android) still does not respect Stylus-only mode, presenting a limitation for users that do not use Popups.

  • Roads

    • Added support for Configurable Defaults and length and area calculations on auto-saved features. This ensures that key values can be populated even when no fields are required and thus form does not open when collecting spatial features using Roads.

MobileMap 4.4.13 (1/11/23)
