Added support for writing metadata into photos as a watermark, with white text on a semi-transparent gray block at either the top or bottom of the image. User can select to add the current date, time, GPS coordinates, device orientation (azimuth) and any attribute field that is present on the parent feature. The user can also select the font size to be used. MobileMap will determine the size of the watermark and the number of columns based on the number of metadata fields and font size. Relevant settings are in Settings > Photos > Photo Watermarks.
Related Tables
Added Related Tables Logic setting (Settings > Data Model > Related Tables Logic) that enables automated population/update of attribute(s) in the parent record based on attributes in the child record(s). Allows users to define one or more logic statements for each child table. When child table loads, or is refreshed after closing a child record. Logic tests compare a child attribute to a value or theshold. If any records pass this test, then the second part of the logic kicks in and updates the parent attribute with either a fixed value (e.g., '2' or 'Yes') or a value from the first child record that met the logic test. Assumes that if the target field (in the parent record) is a coded value domain then the source field should also be a coded value domain with the same domain values.
MobileMap 4.4.28 (12/23/2024)