This is typically caused by insufficient disk space. MobileMap tries to make a backup of all features that have been created or edited since your last upload. After a big data collection, the backup file can be large. After many days of collection, there can be a large number of files. Since your device had limited space when we set it up on Monday, this is likely the cause. Deleting files to free up space should resolve this issue. As a workaround you can disable the automated backup in settings (Settings > MobileMap Cruise > General > Database Backup Interval) by setting it to ‘Never’ but this is not recommended as it could put your data at risk if your device is damaged prior to backup.
What ArcGIS Online User Type do I need in order to use MobileMap?
Follow this link to see the available user types https://www.esri.com/en-us/arcgis/products/arcgis-online/buy. MobileMap requires Editor user type to enable create/edit/delete of features. Many users prefer to purchase the the Field Worker user type so they can access other Esri applications such as Collector (soon to be replaced by Field Maps), Survey123, Dashboards, etc.
Why does my Base Map disappears when I zoom in?
I used the Download Basemaps tool and download a TPK file, then copied it into the TPK folder in my project directory. The base map displays fine when I am zoomed out, but when I zoom in the map completely disappears. I was hoping it would just get blurry if I zoomed in further than the resolution of the base map.
The Download Basemaps tool uses Esri’s base map services and specifically the export image endpoint. For some reason, Esri decided to set the maxScale parameter within the TPKs it produces. While we have suggest that this is not the expected or desired behavior, that setting persists. This means that if you selected zoom level L15 when downloading the base map, the image completely disappears (won’t display) when you zoom to level 16 or greater. There is a workaround (see below), but it is complex and can’t be completed within MobileMap. Where possible, try to zoom in to as small of an extent as possible, and select a zoom level that meets your needs in the field (e.g., L16). In our experience, downloads greater than 100MB are seldom successful, so you may need to accept a lower zoom level, or break your base map into multiple smaller extent base maps.
TPK maxScale workaround:
Copy TPK to a PC
Rename file from *.tpk to *.zip then unzip the file
Open the file \servicedescriptions\mapserver\mapserver.json in a text editor
Search for all instances of “mapScale”, and change any non-zero mapScale values to 0
Save mapserver.json
Select all of the folders that were in the TPK
Rezip all of the folders that were produced when unzipping the original file. The re-zip must be done without compression. This is the trickiest step, as the default windows zip tool cannot do this. You will need a zip utility like 7-zip that has the option to simply archive with no compression.
Rename file back to *.tpk
Copy TPK back to the appropriate folder in your MobileMap directory on your mobile device