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Why is MobileMap displaying an error when installing on Android 14?

I installed MobileMap 4.4.x on a new tablet running Android 14. During the installation, MobileMap displays an error indicating that MobileMap was built for an older version of Android. Everything seems to install and run fine. Is it OK to use?

This is a known issue and is caused by the version of the Android SDK that is used in MobileMap 4.x. When installing MobileMap 4.x on Android 14 devices (or when a device upgrades to Android 14) users will receive a warning indicating that MobileMap was built for an earlier version of Android. Users can close this warning and use MobileMap as expected. This issue will be addressed with the MobileMap 5.0 release.

Why can’t I can’t see the first trees I collected when I collect more than 20 trees?


Follow this link to see the available user types MobileMap requires Editor Contributor user type to enable create/edit/delete of features. Many users prefer to purchase the the Field Mobile Worker user type at the higher price so they can access other Esri applications such as Collector (soon to be replaced by applications such as Field Maps), Survey123, Dashboards, etc. The Field Mobile Worker user type is not needed, however, if you only plan to use MobileMap (and WSG InventoryManager).


The Download Basemaps tool uses Esri’s base map services and specifically the export image endpoint. For some reason, Esri decided to set the maxScale parameter within the TPKs it produces. While we have suggest suggested that this is not the expected or desired behavior, that setting persists. This means that if you selected zoom level L15 when downloading the base map, the image completely disappears (won’t display) when you zoom to level 16 or greater. There is a workaround (see below), but it is complex and can’t be completed within MobileMap. Where possible, try to zoom in to as small of an extent as possible, and select a zoom level that meets your needs in the field (e.g., L16). In our experience, downloads greater than 100MB are seldom successful, so you may need to accept a lower zoom level, or break your base map into multiple smaller extent base maps.


e. Select the folder that holds map caches, typically this is called “MobileMap” and is on the SD Card

f. Select “Done”

e. Go to Actions > Use the Select Map Cache tool to re-load map cache

Why can I not select a Data Directory ?


Check your username in the Authentication Setting and make sure there is not an extra space after your username in the setting. Some tablets and phones automatically add a space after words, including usernames and emails. To fix this open MobileMap Authentication Settings and the ArcGIS Username setting. Backspace over the extra space.

Why am I getting an upload error in MobileMap?

Error 1: Upload report show errors on one or more features.

If you get this message while trying to upload your data from MobileMap:


Upload report show errors on one or more features in MobileMap.

If you get an upload error message, like this message below, while trying to upload your data from MobileMap:


Here are a couple of things to try:

  1. Check your WiFi connection and try to upload again. CAUTION: This may cause duplicate data if you are creating new features, like trees. Be sure to QC your data after you upload.

  2. Try to add/update the data through Rest Services in AGO using the JSON backup text file. This can help identify if there are data quality issues. You might get an error message like this:


Most likely there is a duplicate field name in the data being uploaded causing this error. Duplicate field names can be caused by adding the incorrect field names into some the MobileMap settings. This example below shows two ‘Observer' fields. One with a capital ‘O' and one with a lowercase 'o’:


To learn more about data backup and recovery go to


An error occurred. Data may not have been uploaded as expected…


One scenario that can create this error is if you accidentally have two feature services selected - the one you are using to collect data and one that is NOT actually being used. While it is possible to utilize two (or more) feature services at the same time, they must all be initialized at the same time. When you select more than one feature service in the ‘Select Feature Services’ you will be presented with a warning message. If you ignore this warning but do not initialize the database, you may experience the error message above.

To resolve this error, open the Actions Menu (third tool button) and choose ‘Select Feature Service’. Inspect the list looking for multiple checked boxes. If you find that one or more feature services was selected in error, uncheck that checkbox and try to upload againand try to upload again.

Another scenario is there is a bad piece of data, or data without geometry, collected. This is more common when collecting point data and not as common when cruising where you are not creating points as you go. One option here is to close MobileMap and reopen from app icon. Then upload again. CAUTION: This may create duplicate data. QC your data carefully.

If this does not resolved the upload error please contact your MobileMap support or submit a ticket via


If you published your feature service from ArcPro either overwriting and an existing service or publishing to a new service from an ArcPro map that was used previously to publish a feature service, try publishing from a fresh ArcPro project and publish to a new feature service not overwriting the existing one. Not ideal, but seems to resolve the issue. Clearing the cache in ArcPro or starting from a fresh map resolves the issue occasionally, but not consistently.


Optional offsets to prevent keyboard from hiding tree rows at the bottom of tree list. Only need on some devices where keyboard hides last trees in list. If a single value is listed, it will be used in both Standard and Check Cruise modes. If 2 values are listed as a comma separated list (e.g.,200,400) then the first value will be used in Standard mode and the second value in Check Cruise mode.

MobileMap Crashes When Zoom/Pan Map

This could be related to a corrupt TPK. A quick way to check this is to turn off all TPKs. Use the Select Layer Display Properties and uncheck all the layers ending in *.tpk. If this resolves the issue turn on the TPKs one a time to determine which one is the culprit.