
InventoryManager leverages ArcGIS Dashboards for real-time analytics via charts and graphs. ArcGIS Dashboards are easy to create using an interactive configuration environment. They can be created by GIS analysts or other staff with access to the Creator role in ArcGIS Online. Dashboards can include standard chart elements including pie charts, bar (serial) charts, single values (indicators and gauges), lists, feature details, maps and more. Elements can be organized into panels and tabbed interfaces with headers, filters, legends and other components. All dashboard elements can be configured in terms of content, color, font, labels, etc.

Because Dashboards are ‘apps’ in ArcGIS Online they are created within your organization and must be published by a user within your ArcGIS Online organization. Once created, Dashboards can be embedded into InventoryManager where they appear as a seamless, integrated component of InventoryManager, even thought they are actually created and hosted directly in ArcGIS Online.

The standard process for incorporating ArcGIS Dashboards into InventoryManager is as follows

  1. A GIS Analyst with Creator or higher role uses standard ArcGIS Online workflows to create and configure a new dashboard that displays some content from the inventory feature service (e.g. pie chart of Stands status to help managers understand the progress of the cruising effort for a given field season)

  2. The Dashboard creator shares the Dashboard using standard ArcGIS Online sharing process with appropriate internal staff and WSG team members

  3. The Dashboard creator notifies WSG of the Dashboard and provides the URL to the Dashboard

  4. WSG adds a new tab to InventoryManager and embeds the Dashboard into that page

  5. Additional Dashboards are created, shared and embedded as needed

Creating Dashboards

Esri provides a wide range of training materials, including online documentation and YouTube videos that demonstrate how to create and configure dashboards. A good starting point is the following page https://doc.arcgis.com/en/dashboards/10.8/get-started/create-a-dashboard.htm or the easy-to-follow tutorial at https://www.esri.com/arcgis-blog/products/ops-dashboard/mapping/create-first-arcgis-dashboards/

To create a new dashboard follow these steps:

Embedding a Dashboard in InventoryManager (Site Managers Only)

This section of page discusses the steps for embedding an ArcGIS Dashboard in InventoryManager. It is intended for Site Managers only and assumes that the site manager has already undergone admin training with InventoryManager and has access to creating new content including application ‘pages’ and ‘menus’. It also assumes that a GIS Analyst has already created an ArcGIS Dashboard and shared it with appropriate users, and provide the URL to the Dashboard.

  1. Log into InventoryManager as a user with Site Manager or Administrator role

  2. Create a Basic Page that will display the Dashboard

  3. In the basic page settings, below the Body field change the Text Format field to Full HTML

  4. In the Body field select the Source button.

  5. Add an HTML IFRAME element that includes the Dashboard URL as the source, as well as an appropriate value for the height (keep the width at 100%)

  6. In Menu Settings at the bottom of the Basic Page, select the checkbox for Provide a menu link.

  7. In URL path settings set a URL alias (e.g., dashboard-test).

  8. Click the save button at the bottom to save and close the Basic Page you have created

  1. Create a new Menu item using the basic page node and the menu link by going to Structure > Menus > Main Menu