InventoryManager: Implementation Steps

InventoryManager: Implementation Steps


The steps below represent a “typical” implementation for InventoryManager and MobileMap for new customers. Typical is in quotes here because every customer has different needs and constraints. Needs include regional considerations (species, products, markets), business considerations (in-house GIS capabilities, cruising by field staff vs. contractors, products), technical considerations (Esri licensing and architecture), etc.

This implementation is for deployments that do not involve customization or enhancements but do include standard configuration of documented functionality. When customization or enhancements are included, a unique list of steps and timeline(s) will be developed to ensure that these align with key milestones of the implementation, especially the testing and training events.

High Level Tasks

  1. Design - Use a standardized process and templates to document requirements including cruise specs, merch specs, and reporting requirements to ensure these are understood and accepted by all participants

  2. Configure - Use requirements created in prior step to implement all aspects of system including data model, MobileMap settings, InventoryManager settings, etc.

  3. Test/Train - This is an iterative process that may include multiple phases (internal, key staff, all staff, contractors). Typically there is a training event for each testing phase to ensure testers are successful in testing.

  4. Deploy & Support - Carefully coordinated deployment to ensure that all users have properly configured devices, have access to training materials, base maps, and are ready to begin production use of the system. For most scenarios, deployment will also include a transition of the Feature Service to the client’s AGOL or Portal instance prior to production use (sometimes this will happen during the Test/Train task above) For the support portion we ensure that all users have access to the appropriate support resources, and we schedule regular check-in meetings to ensure successful adoption.


Detailed Task List

  1. Design

    1. Determine target GIS hosting environment

      1. AGOL or Portal

      2. If AGOL, determine if using ‘bundled’ solution (WSG’s organization) or customer’s organization

    2. Determine compilation, reporting and integration needs

      1. Compilation - is compilation support needed and if so is it via TCruise or integrated compilation within InventoryManager

      2. Reporting - will InventoryManager provide reports (e.g., stand/stocking reports) form integrated compilation and/or 3rd party systems like TCruise

      3. Integration - is there a need to integrate with TCruise, Trimble LRM, FVS, FPS or other forest information system?

    3. Devices

      1. Develop plan for evaluating acquiring and configuring devices

        1. Determine device make/model and accessories (case, anti-glare, SD card, flash drive, etc.)

        2. Set up licensing site for organization and managers and provide training

        3. Purchase and configure devices and accessories

        4. Determine if there are any needs for external GPS

    4. Base maps

      1. Identify testing sites

      2. Support (training or production, depending on contract) base map creation including

        1. TPKs with imagery and/or Topo

        2. Shapefiles with reference data (stand boundaries, roads, streams, etc.) - optional

      3. Design production base map approach (role, strategy, technology, support)

    5. Design data Model

      1. Document data model using Excel template

        1. Obtain all relevant data model materials from customer (field spec, TCT files, current mobile field app, current data management system, hardcopy field forms, etc.)

        2. Meeting(s) with customer to review current/future data model, volume calculations, merch specs

        3. Focus on aspects that add complexity

          1. Cruise design including double sampling

          2. Check cruising

          3. Multiple cruise specs/merch rules/volume equations (by customer, project, region, state, etc.)

            1. Determine number of templates

            2. If using TCruise

              1. Develop TCT file

              2. Export TCT as SQLite db

              3. Use SQL commands to generate CSV files to feed into next step

              4. Document in Excel using data model template

      2. Document business logic (hidden fields, read-only fields, business rules, etc.)

  2. Configure

    1. Build data model

      1. Generate FGDB using Python script and CSV files (extracted from Excel data model/domains)

    2. Implement data model in AGOL (WSG or LMSS organization)

      1. Create group(s)

      2. Invite users (may need to provide demo accounts for customers that don’t yet have AGOL)

      3. Develop ArcGIS Pro project document with layer order, symbology

      4. Publish as feature service and test

      5. Create and apply initial MobileMap settings

      6. Share with group(s) and confirm access

      7. Confirm key aspects of service (layers, layer order, required fields, domains, editor tracking, MM settings available)

    3. Configure IM

      1. Stand up IM site

        1. If stand-alone IM site - initiate new site and implement DNS, whitelist, branding, etc.

        2. Implement basic data configuration

          1. layers (URL, settings, enabled functionality, editable fields)

          2. Map (layers, extent, basemap)

          3. Inventory Project (visible fields, inheritance, etc.)

            1. Add project to Blocks for rules and related domains

          4. Inventory pages if multiple maps are required

          5. Compilation Reporting (if using compilation) page needed for each Inventory page

            1. Add Compilation page(s) to Blocks

    4. Test data model in MM/IM

      1. Configure MM for test area

      2. Confirm consecutive round trip of data

      3. Document issues/changes

        1. field names, order, data type, allowed values, nullable, etc.

      4. Document business rules

        1. Conditional required fields, if/then logic, data quality constraints

    5. Export

      1. Develop generic export config with all fields (make from data model CSV file)

      2. If using TCruise

        1. Create TCruise export config and test

      3. If using FVS

        1. Create FVS export config and test

    6. Implement business logic

      1. Rules

      2. Related domains

    7. Check cruise scoring

      1. If implementing check cruise scoring then implement scoring rules

    8. Support load of legacy data into Source_Stands or similar layer(s)

      1. Utilize existing layer as Source_Stands (e.g., LRM)

      2. Enable Shapefile import

  3. Test/Train

    1. Transition feature service to client AGOL or Portal instance at this time to ensure that final testing occurs on production ArcGIS environment

      1. Ensure that data model has been approved, settings are correct, business rules have been implemented, multiple round-trips of data have been verified in temporary AGOL environment

      2. Provide the following to client and schedule Teams meeting to publish service on client AGOL or Portal instance

        1. Data model as FGDB

        2. Supporting data model and domains CSV files

        3. Supporting business logic (Rules, Related_Domains, Check_Rules) as JSON files

        4. Settings files as JSON that can be saved to a map properties in ArcGIS Pro

        5. ArcGIS Pro project file that includes all layers, symbology, editor tracking, settings, etc.

      3. During Teams publishing meeting

        1. Support client with publishing of feature service within their AGOL or Portal instance. Follow steps in MobileMap: Publishing an ArcGIS Feature Service and make sure to:

          1. Enable feature (not tile) access

          2. Enable editing

          3. Ensure that editor tracking is enabled

          4. Ensure export is enabled and that there is a plan for backup and retrieval

          5. Verify all tables, fields, data types, required fields, domains, symbols

          6. Verify proper groups have been created and the new service has been shared with group(s)

      4. Update configuration in IM for all layers to point to the new feature service URL at the client AGOL or Portal instance

        1. If using Portal

          1. See documentation in MobileMap: Using Portal for ArcGIS and make sure to:

            1. Register MM and IM in Portal and apply Client_ID and Settings to IM and MM settings (note that MM will need a settings file or document to enter these, can’t be imported from feature service when using Portal)

            2. If relevant, register base maps and/or routing service with Portal

          2. WSG updates IM settings using Portal registration and URL(s)

      5. Test all functionality with new Feature Service(s)

    2. Expand tests to include greater number of users, end-to-end workflows, etc.

    3. Test all aspects of MM and IM with Portal authentication and services

  4. Deploy and Support

    1. Coordinate timing and process to deployment to ensure that all users have properly configured devices, have access to training materials, base maps, and are ready to begin production use of the system.

    2. Ensure that all users have access to the appropriate support resources

    3. Schedule schedule regular check-in meetings to ensure successful adoption.

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