InventoryManager: Import Tree and Log Data

InventoryManager: Import Tree and Log Data


Tree and Log data can be imported from other systems including TCruise desktop, TCruise Mobile, DataPlus, etc. Regardless of the import, the Stands and Plots spatial features must already exist in ArcGIS. For more information on creating Stands and Plots outside of MobileMap and InventoryManager, see InventoryManager: Data Creation Outside of MobileMap and InventoryManager.

Stands and Plots

As noted in the overview, Stands and Plots must already exist in ArcGIS and must have valid relationships. Stands and Plots must have values for their Unique_ID field, and plots must include their parent Stand’s Unique_ID in their Parent_ID field. Additionally Stands must include a valid and unique value in their Stand_ID field. Similarly, Plots must include a valid value in their Plot_ID field. Stand_IDs must be globally unique while Plot_IDs need only to be unique within their Stand. It may be useful to use the 'Validate Plots' tool InventoryManager: Validate Plots to ensure that Plots have Unique_ID values and correctly reference their parent Stand.

Import CSV Tool

The ‘Import CSV' tool in InventoryManager is similar to the 'Export’ tool (with Excel output) in that it uses a configuration file to crosswalk between incoming data model (columns in the CSV file) and the outgoing data model (ArcGIS feature service used to store Stands, Plots, Trees, Logs). To create an import process, therefore, you must one or more data file(s) and an import configuration file.

Import Configuration File

The import configuration file follows the same format as the export configuration file described at InventoryManager: Export Inventory Data . It may contain fewer attribute fields because:

  1. Some legacy systems supported fewer attributes, especially at the Stands and Plots levels

  2. Some attributes may not be desired when importing data

The table below shows an example of a simple import configuration file for importing Tree-level (no Logs) data produced from a TCruise SQLite Export file using the processed described in the next section:




