MobileMap: MobileMap Harvest

MobileMap: MobileMap Harvest


MobileMap Harvest is an extension of MobileMap that is specifically designed for use in the cab of harvesting machines such as feller bunchers.  It works in conjunction with the MobileMap Harvest Module, a separate device that connects to the machine's power and harvesting controls and records the time and location of each tree that is harvested.  MobileMap Harvest was developed in close cooperation with The Nature Conservancy and includes licensed TimberGuide® technology (Genesis Industries, LLC).


Installation of MobileMap Harvest is beyond the scope of this document.  This guide assumes that MobileMap Harvest has been installed in a feller buncher. The diagram below shows a high level overview of the components. Each of these components are briefly described below that.

  • GPS - High accuracy GPS receiver with roof mounted external antenna protected by a rigid cover.  The GPS should include onboard processing of high accuracy GPS locations without the need for post-processing or network connectivity.  The GPS should support Bluetooth connections from Android devices.  GPS with integrated antenna and processing units (e.g., Juniper Geode, SX blue F90 ) can be used, but would need to use an additional external antennae and thus may not be optimal from a space or cost perspective. 

    • Candidate GPS units include:

    • The GPS should be mounted to the cab and have a wired power connection (rather then external battery that will require frequent charging).  Follow directions from the GPS manufacturer to install and configure the GPS, including downloading and installing any Android applications that are needed to connect the GPS to the Android tablet and for the Android operating system to access that device information as a 'mock location' that is available to applications such as MobileMap.


  • MobileMap Harvest Module - The Harvest Module should be mounted to the cab and connected to vehicle power and to the harvest trigger circuit (typically the accumulator arm of a feller buncher).  It should be in view of the operator so that the indicator lights can be used to help verify that the device has power and is properly responding to tree harvest events.

    • MobileMap Harvest Module is connected to machine power via a short USB-A cord. During installation a 2 USB-A ports will be installed. One port is for powering the Android tablet and the other port is for connecting the MobileMap Harvest Module

    • The incoming signal from the machine that indicates a tree has been cut will typically be from an electrical current on the accumulator arm circuit. This circuit is connected to MobileMap Harvest Module via a 2.1 mm DC jack.

  • Android tablet mount - The MobileMap Android tablet should be secured to a rugged mount such as a RAM mounting system and the tablet connected to vehicle