Promoting IM from Dev to Test and Prod
Last updated 12/31/2020
Deployment workflow
WSG delivers
Commit all code and push
Switch to Master
Commit all code and push
Pull from Dev branch (resolve any conflicts that occur)
commit and push merge
Tag head of master (naming convention YYYY-MM-DD_reason_for_tag)
Switch to Dev_Branch
Pull from master (resolve any conflicts that occur)
commit and push merge
Acquia cloud
switch Stage to new master tag
Acquia - download most recent backup of dev database to local PC
phpMyAdmin -
drop all tables in idaho_test database
import SQL dump file from dev database
Dev Desktop
push database to dev cloud
Drag/drop test database from dev to Stage
App configuration
Open app in test (or prod) cloud (not local)
Update site name to InventoryManager - TEST
file system - change location for files to idaho-test (or ‘idaho’ on prod)
set default download file location to public file folder
Force Drupal to rebuild CSS
open corolla theme
nudge CSS by changing fieldset border hex code
Update all environment-specific Layers (14) to replace '/DEV_' with ‘/TEST_’
Update Inventory Project (4) to replace ‘/DEV_’ with ‘/TEST_’
Update WSG Transfer Operations
update JSON configuration to replace ‘/DEV_’ with ‘/TEST_’ (3 locations in each of 2 nodes)
set last transfer date to "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
Delete all transfer logs
Run LRM import
sign out
sign in