Simple Feature Symbols - Use Esri’s Simple Feature Symbols (esriSMS, esriSLS, esriSFS) instead of more complex Picture Marker Symbols. This is especially important for points. Simple Marker Symbols (esriSMS) use JSON instructions to define the size, color, outline color, outline width, etc. for the symbol, instead of using an encoded image as the symbol. The image below shows how to ensure that a point symbol is a Simple Marker Symbol. Note that this format has a limited number of options, including only the following shapes: Circle, Square, Cross, X, Diamond (square rotated 45 degrees).
Example of setting simple marker symbol symbology in ArcMap
Example of setting simple marker symbology in ArcPro (note the use of ‘Circle 1’ accessed from the ‘Style…’ option).
‘Shape Marker’ and the selection of the circle shape that is access from the shape dropdown. This is not the same as using the gallery and selecting Circle 1 or other symbol, which will use Picture Marker Symbols).
Example of setting simple fill symbol symbology for polygons in ArcPro (note the need to select a ‘hollow’ shape from the gallery first, then modify the outline width and color properties). When a no-color or transparent fill is selected instead, InventoryManager will display a faint blue fill color rather than a hollow polygon.
Unique Value Renderer
If using a Unique Value Renderer (e.g., a different color for each Plot according to it’s Status value), only use a single field to determine the symbol (not 2 or more fields). In ArcMap, use the option for ‘Unique values’ not ‘Unique values, many fields’.
Default values - use a default value with Unique Value Renderers to ensure that features that have a null for the category field will still have a symbol on the map. This unique value is what will be displayed in MobileMap when selecting this layer for query or edit.
Size greater than or equal to 10
No outline - while outlines can be helpful for seeing points with low contrast to background (e.g., a green point on a forested stand using imagery background, they can also make things visually cluttered and can obscure the fill color when points are too small. Instead, try to use colors that have high contrast and avoid using outlines. We have found that bright green is generally sufficiently high contrast to vegetation in most scenarios.
Line width of 2
If lines might overlap, consider use of dashed lines for layers that will be above, or increased thickness for layers that will be below
Hollow (no fill) allows for viewing of imagery within the polygon. This is especially true for forestry applications where users want to see the distribution of vegetation cover in forest stands
Line width of 2