MobileMap: Publishing an ArcGIS Feature Service
- 1 Starting Point
- 2 ArcMap / ArcPro Settings
- 2.1 General
- 2.2 Layer Order
- 2.3 Symbology
- 2.4 Symbology Layer Files
- 3 ArcMap - Settings and Publishing
- 4 ArcGIS Pro - Settings and Publishing
- 4.1 Map Properties
- 4.2 Publishing
- 5 MobileMap Settings - Saving to Feature Service
- 6 Managing ArcGIS Online Groups and Users
- 7 Related Articles
Starting Point
When an existing Feature Service has been developed by WSG or LandMark it will be provided to you as a File Geodatabase (FGDB) and an ArcMap Document (*.mxd) or ArcPro Project (*.aprx). Additionally, you may be provided with ArcGIS Layer files (*.lyr) which define the symbology for feature layers. If business rules have already been developed, they will be stored in the FGDB in the appropriate tables (Rules, Related_Domains, Check_Rules). The steps below can be used to publish the Feature Service from these inputs. If you have developed the data model independently, the steps below can be used to develop an ArcMap Document or ArcPro Project and publish a Feature Service.
ArcMap / ArcPro Settings
If developing a ArcMap Document or ArcPro Project from scratch, add all Layers and Tables to your Map in ArcMap or ArcGIS Pro, then adjust the settings, layer order and symbology by following the steps below.
Map document name - we recommend using the same name as the feature (e.g., Cruise_Data_Model_v2). This is helpful when overwriting a Feature Service, as ArcMap will know which Feature Service you are attempting to overwrite.
Map Layer - set projection to Web Mercator (Auxiliary Sphere)
Map Document Properties
Required propertie