Make sure to zoom out to an extent that covers all of the area for the relevant data to be published. For example, if you have data which consists of all counties in California, zoom out on the map to show California, Oregon and Mexico.
Once zoomed out, save the map document and do not zoom back in before publishing.
Ensure that you are logged in to your ArcGIS Account in ArcMap / ArcPro. To sign in from ArcMap, go to File -> Sign In.
Publish the service using the ‘Share’ option in ArcMap (File -> Share As -> Service). Select ‘Publish a service’ and name the service (pick a short name, all lower case with no spaces). We recommend using the same naming convention as field names - title case with underscores, and include a version number if helpful (e.g., Title_Case_With_Underscores_v2). Note that the feature service names will be displayed alphabetically in the ‘Select Feature Service’ dialog, and Android sorting is case sensitive - this means that ‘a' will be sorted below 'Z’ because capitol letters are sorted before (above) lower case letters. As described above, we recommend naming the ArcMap document (MXD) with that will be used for the feature service. This helps when overwriting a service after changes are made to the data model or symbology. Complete the following information during the publication process:
Capabilities - check Feature Access and uncheck Tiled Mapping.
Feature Access - check the boxes next to Create, Delete, Query, Sync, and Update. (Figure 11)
Item Description - add text in the Summary and Tags. If these were set in the Map Document Properties as suggested above, these will already be populated. Review them to make sure they are correct.
Sharing - choose the level of Sharing.
Selecting Everyone makes the feature service a ‘public’ service, meaning anyone could potentially find the service if they know what to search for on ArcGIS Online. This is NOT recommended.
Selecting your organization limits the sharing to just your group. (If you select your organization, you will need to put your ArcGIS Online user name and password in the settings of MB&G MobileMap).
For MobileMap to find the service and display it in the ‘Select Feature Service’ dialog, the service must be shared with at least one group that the user is a member of. Sharing via ‘Everyone’ or ‘Your Organization’ is not sufficient for MobileMap to find the service.
See section below on Managing ArcGIS Online Groups and Users for more information on this topic
Finally, select Publish in the upper right corner.