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The Download Basemaps tool uses Esri’s base map services and specifically the export image endpoint. For some reason, Esri decided to set the maxScale parameter within the TPKs it produces. While we have suggest that this is not the expected or desired behavior, that setting persists. This means that if you selected zoom level L15 when downloading the base map, the image completely disappears (won’t display) when you zoom to level 16 or greater. There is a workaround (see below), but it is complex and can’t be completed within MobileMap. Where possible, try to zoom in to as small of an extent as possible, and select a zoom level that meets your needs in the field (e.g., L16). In our experience, downloads greater than 100MB are seldom successful, so you may need to accept a lower zoom level, or break your base map into multiple smaller extent base maps.

TPK maxScale workaround:

  1. Copy TPK to a PC

  2. Rename file from *.tpk to *.zip then unzip the file

  3. Open the file \servicedescriptions\mapserver\mapserver.json in a text editor

  4. Search for all instances of “mapScale”, and change any non-zero mapScale values to 0

  5. Save mapserver.json

  6. Select all of the folders that were in the TPK

  7. Rezip all of the folders that were produced when unzipping the original file. The re-zip must be done without compression. This is the trickiest step, as the default windows zip tool cannot do this. You will need a zip utility like 7-zip that has the option to simply archive with no compression.

  8. Rename file back to *.tpk

  9. Copy TPK back to the appropriate folder in your MobileMap directory on your mobile device

Why can’t I see any base maps in MobileMap?


There are a number potential causes for this issue. Use the check list below to help resolve the issue:

  1. Verify that MobileMap licensed - MobileMap must be licensed to display base maps. If it is not licensed, or if the license has expired or is not valid, you should see a brief popup message when MobileMap starts up that indicates that the license was not found or is not valid. The best way to check, however, is to use the license tool (Actions > License Device). At the top of this tool you should see a message indicating the license status. If the license has expired simply re-submit to refresh your licenses. If you have never licensed your device, follow instructions here MobileMap: Installation and Licensing and hereMobileMap: Application Licensing

  2. Verify that the data directory is correct - Base maps are stored in a data directory, typically on a MicroSD card, and MobileMap must have access to that directory. Use the Select Data Directory tool (Actions > Select Data Directory) to select the data directory. See instructions here MobileMap: Installation and Licensing. Note that the directory selected during this process should be the MobileMap root directory, and should not contain TPK or Shapefiles directly within it. The MobileMap root directory is typically named ‘MobileMap’ and should have a subfolder named ‘default’ and will likely have other folders like ‘Export’ and ‘Photos’.

  3. Verify that your MobileMap folder structure is correct. MobileMap uses project or map cache folders which can be named however you want, but we recommend avoiding spaces or special characters in folder names. Project folders are found in the MobileMap root directory. Each project folder will have subfolders including ‘TPK’ and optionally ‘SHP’.

  4. Verify that the base map you downloaded was successfully copied into the correct subfolder. The Download Basemap tool saves all downloaded TPK files into the devices Download folder. This is due to some limitations on file saving on some devices. This requires users to manually copy downloaded files to the correct TPK folder in their desired project folder. Use your devices file manage (e.g., ‘My Files’ on Samsung, ‘Files’ on Google Pixel, etc.) to copy files between folders. For example, if you are working on a project called ‘MyProject’, you will copy the TPK that you download from internal storage/Download → SD Card/MobileMap/MyProject/TPK.

  5. Verify that the correct project has been selected. Use the Select Map Cache tool select the project or map cache where you saved your TPK. See instructions here MobileMap: Basic Operation

  6. Verify that the TPK is enabled for display in display properties. Use the Select Layer Display Properties and verify that the TPK is visible in the list (should be near the bottom or the layers list) and that the checkbox is checked. See instructions here MobileMap: Basic Operation

  7. Verify the extent of the base map you downloaded. MobileMap uses the first loaded map cache to set the maximum map extent. If the first loaded base map (e.g., TPK) is small and not in your area of interest, you will be unable to pan the map to your current extent, thus your new base map will not be visible. WSG recommends creating a single large area, low resolution base map and storing it in the default folder (e.g., SD Card/MobileMap/default/TPK) which can be used by MobileMap to set a large map extent when it is loading base maps.

  8. Verify the zoom level of the base map you loaded. Base maps downloaded within MobileMap have a maximum scale or zoom level applied to them. See the question Why does my Base Map disappear when I zoom in? for more details on this problem. If you have made it to this step, then it is possible that you are simply too far zoomed in for your base map to display. Try zooming out - way out - and see if your base map shows up. If so, use the approaches described above or in this document MobileMap: Base Map Creation for MobileMap to address this issue.

If you have gone through each of these verification steps and still do not see your map, please reach out to our support team. It will help us resolve the the issue if you can provide screenshots of your folder structure, the Select Map Cache tool, the Select Layer Display Properties tool, etc. It may even be helpful to upload a copy of your TPK file when submitting your support request.


When MobileMap displays “Licensed for Developer Use Only”, it means that when it was starting up, it could not determine its “Client_ID”. This only happens when a user has selected “Use Portal for ArcGIS” and has not entered a valid Client ID in the setting “Portal for ArcGIS Client ID”. There are two approaches to resolve this issue:

  1. Manually configure the Portal settings

    1. Either uncheck the “Use Portal for ArcGIS” checkbox, or supply a valid Client ID in the “Portal for ArcGIS Client ID”

    2. Close MobileMap

    3. Remove the app from the recent apps list (this step may not be necessary, but if steps a & b above do not solve the problem, this may needed).

  2. Restore all settings (note: this will remove any custom settings that you have applied which are not in your Feature Service settings or settings file).

    1. Go to Actions > Import Settings

    2. Select “Defaults” and confirm

    3. Select “Import” to re-import settings from your Feature Service or settings file

    4. Close MobileMap

    5. Remove the app from the recent apps list (this step may not be necessary, but if steps a & b above do not solve the problem, this may needed).

Why is my MobileMap map extent limited?

I am trying to pan my map to a location that is covered by my map cache extent, but my map extent appears limited/stuck.

  1. Refresh the Data Directory:

a. Go to Actions > Select Data Directory


While this situation is very uncommon, there are a few scenarios where this can occur. The good news is that if/when this problem occurs, it does NOT result in any loss of data, only additional data. There can, however, be downstream effects if duplicate data are then used to compile timber volumes, etc.

  1. The most common cause of duplicate data is a bad internet connection during upload. In this scenario, MobileMap uploads data that were created (not just updated) on your mobile device. These records are new, thus are sent to the ‘addFeatures’ endpoint of the feature service. If MobileMap sends the data, but the internet connection is broken before a response is received from the service, MobileMap will not know that the data were successfully received. When this happens, MobileMap has to assume that the data were not received, so it keeps these data in the list of features to upload on the next attempt. When the upload happens the next time, these data are sent again, creating duplicates. If they receive the response from the server on this second attempt, then MobileMap updates their status and they are no longer queued for upload. In this example, you would have 2 copies of each feature.

  2. There have been a few reports over the years of duplicates being created when an unusual data issue is encountered when configuring or testing a new feature service or settings. In these cases, the data were saved by the server, but the server returned an unexpected response, such as an error message describing an unexpected SQL database error in the backend of a Portal implementation. In these cases the data have been saved correctly, but the error message causes MobileMap to believe that the data were not saved. Thus, MobileMap resends the data on the next upload

To determine which scenario above has caused the problem you are seeing, start by ensuring a strong WiFi connection and then re-upload within MobileMap. Note that may create another duplicate set of data. In scenario 1 above, if there are failed uploads on the system, they will successfully uploaded and thus no longer queued for upload. In this case the upload problem will be solved, but data will need to be cleaned up to remove duplicates (see below). In scenario 2 above, the data problem may still exist - and this should be seen in the upload report in the form of an error for one or more layer.


Once this has been created in MobileMap there is no easy way to undo it, especially if a user has collected 100’s of records that day. The solution:

  1. The user fixed their setting in MobileMap and

  2. The data administrator was able to clean up the text file and upload the data using the text file with AGOL’s rest end point.

To learn more about data backup and recovery go to


Similarly if you created your feature service by copying the item in AGOL or using ago-assistant to copy the service, it may appear that the defaults were copied, but you are not seeing them in MobileMap or InventoryManager when you create data. Try publishing for a fresh ArcPro project as recommended above.




Crashes When Editing Features or Saving Tree Table When Using a Settings File Copied from Other Service/Tablet

The settings file is a great way to ensure consistency with MobileMap configuration among your cruisers/field staff. Please see our MobileMap: Settings page for a detailed descriptions of the settings within MobileMap. Settings files can be published with the feature service or a side-loaded text file on the tablet. Many organizations share settings text files among user tablets and cruises and occasionally this leads to incompatible settings files being used and this can cause MobileMap to crash at various points in data editing. Here are some troubleshooting tips for a potentially incompatible settings file:

  • IMPORT SETTINGS and reset to defaults using the circle refresh arrows

  • Try editing a feature or the trees depending on what is causing the crash

    • Turn on MobileMap Cruise manually

    • The tree table may not be readable due to no tree ignore fields, but you can test the save at least

  • If nothing crashes start adding back in settings testing in between each such as:

    • Hidden Fields

    • Read-Only

    • Configurable Defaults if used

GPS Tracking Turns Off When Tablet Screen is Locked

The GPS tracking mode, in MobileMap, will stop tracking when the tablet screen is locked. This issue is related to increased security in newer Android versions. Google doesn’t want apps to track you in the background without asking your permission first. We are working to resolve this with a software update for MobileMap. Until then, you might find it useful to use a touch pocket protector and keep your screen open/unlocked like this one

Note that although the touch protector is useful for locking the screen to prevent unwanted map taps, it does not help to preserve the battery, like shutting of the screen would.

For more information on GPS Tracking see .