MobileMap: Settings
Descriptive List of Commonly Used MobileMap Settings
Use landscape orientation
Uncheck to use portrait orientation. Must restart app for this change to take effect.
Autoload previous map cache
Check box to auto-load the last used map cache
Keep Device Awake
Prevent device from going to sleep when MobileMap is running
Show Data Loading Progress and Results
Show data loading Progress and results on startup and map cache switch - helpful to confirm data loaded properly
Show Point Geometry Editing Instructions
Check to display instructions when editing point geometries
Show Line Geometry Editing Instructions
Check to display instructions when editing line geometries
Show Polygon Geometry Editing Instructions
Check to display instructions when editing polygon geometries
Stylus Only Mode
Check to only accept user input from stylus. Device must have digitizer and active stylus (e.g., S-Pen)
Use Field Aliases
Check box to display field aliases, rather than field names, in attribute editor
Enable Cloning of Features
Check box to enable cloning of features from one layer to another by copying geometry and (optionally) attributes with matching field names in each layer
Font Size
Select default font size for settings and editing attributes
Digitizing Method
Select desired method for digitizing lines and polygons
Minimum polygon vertex spacing
Minimum spacing (m) between vertices when digitizing in 'trace' mode
Minimum Mapping Unit - Trace Mode
Enter in the minimum allowed area (square meters) for polygons when using trace mode (default is 100 square meters, ~1/4 acre)
Linear Measurement Unit
Select desired unit for measuring lengths
Area Measurement Unit
Select desired unit for measuring areas
Projection / Units for Coordinates
Select desired projection and units for displaying GPS coordinates
Display Compass
Check to display a digital compass (compass only works on devices with magnetometers)
Magnetic Declination
Enter magnetic declination for proper compass functionality
Enable Proximity Alert
Check to enable alert sound when arriving at a feature (also set distance below)
Proximity Alert Distance
Enter distance (using linear measurement units) at which an alert should sound when navigating to a feature
ArcGIS Username
ArcGIS Online/Server Username
ArcGIS Password
ArcGIS Online/Server Password
Email Address
Email address - used when registering device with WSG
Author Field Name
Must be same field for all layers in service, used for synchronization
Created Date Field Name
Must be same field for all layers in service, used for synchronization
Editor Field Name
Must be same field for all layers in service, used for synchronization
Last Edited Date Field Name
Must be same field for all layers in service, used for synchronization
Photo Fields
Comma separated list of text fields that will be used to collect photos during data collection (e.g., 'Photos_Before,Photos_After')
Include Field Name in Photo Filenames
Check box to append the photo field name to the end of the photo filename - otherwise filename will be month_day_year_hour_minute_second for new photos, and month_day_year_originalfilename for existing photos)
Enable Selection of Existing Photos
Check box to enable selection of existing photos as an alternative to taking a new photo during photo collection
Output Photo Size
Select output photo size. All photos captured will be resized to this setting to control disk usage and upload speeds
Observer Field
Name of the field that stores observer (surveyor, cruiser, crew, etc.) name or initials
Observer Initials or Name
Enter observer (surveyor, cruiser, crew, etc.) name or initials. May need to verify field length if using full name.
Length Field Name
If this field name is found for Lines or Polygons, length will be calculated in current units
Area Field Name
If this field name is found for Polygons, area will be calculated in current units
Custom Created Date Field Name
Comma separated list of field names. If any of these fields are found they will be populated with current date and time when feature is created. This field will not be overwritten by sync
Custom Edit Date Field Name
Comma separated list of field names. If any of these fields are found they will be updated with current date and time whenever an existing feature is re-saved. This field will not be overwritten by sync
GPS Elevation Field Name
If this field name is found in point feature layers, it will be used to store the elevation value (in the currently selected units) returned by the GPS, and will be the average if GPS averaging is used
GPS Point Count Field Name
If this field name is found in point feature layers and GPS point averaging used, it will be used to store the number of points averaged
GPS Root Mean Squared Error Field Name
If this field name is found in point feature layers and GPS point averaging used, it will be used to store the RMSE of points averaged, in the currently selected units
Field Name and Format for a Unique ID
If this field name is found and is Text data type, a unique ID will be generated when any of the listed components change. Example: 'fieldname:{field1}{yyyy}{observer}{000}' will generate a unique ID based on the field1 code plus the 4-digit year, plus the observer ID, plus 3-digit auto-incrementing number starting at 1, separated by a hyphen. The number will reset to 1 when any field changes. Component fields must be coded value domains.
Related Domains Table
Name of the Related Domains table (if present) which allows subsetting values of one Domain by the selected value of another Domain
Rules Table
Name of the Rules Table (if present) in the feature service
Read Only Fields
Comma separated list of fields that should be read only in the attribute editor (e.g., 'Field1,Field2')
Hidden Fields
Comma separated list of fields that should be hidden (not displayed) in the attribute editor (e.g., 'Field1,Field2')
Display GPS Accuracy
Check box to display the estimated GPS horizontal accuracy (in currently selected units) along with GPS coordinates and elevation
Tracking Mode Spacing (meters)
Enter minimum distance between points when collecting data in Tracking Mode.
Update Frequency for Tracking Path
Lower value updates tracking path more often (1 = updates every time new GPS location received)
Tracking Feature Layer
Case sensitive name of tracking feature (must be polyline geometry)
Number of GPS locations to average
Select number of GPS locations to average when collecting point features with GPS. Does not affect collection of line or polygon features.
Maximum Wait Time
Select maximum time (seconds) to wait when collecting point features with GPS.
Search Buffer
Select search buffer distance (m) for selecting existing features
Minimum Zoom Level
Select the minimum zoom level (L1 is default )
Maximum Zoom Level
Select the maximum zoom level (L20 is default)
Map Scale for Labels
Select the map scale at which labels should appear (when selected for a layer in display properties)
Display scale and resolution
Check box to Display map scale and resolution in lower left of map
MobileMap CRUISE
Enable Cruise Functionality
Check box to support collection of cruise stand, plot, tree and log data (requires layers, tables and settings below)
Check Cruise Mode
Check box to enable Check Cruise Mode
Cruise Type Field
Name of the field that stores Cruse Type ('S' for Standard, 'C' for Check Cruise)
Stands Feature Layer
Name of the Stands Feature Layer in the feature service
Stand ID Field
Name of the stand ID field
Plots Feature Layer
Name of the Plots Feature Layer in the feature service
Plot ID Field
Name of the plot ID field
Trees Table
Name of the Trees Table (no geometry) in the feature service
Maximum Number of Tree Rows
Select the maximum number of tree rows to display at any one time (fewer rows improves performance)
Tree List Keyboard Offsets
Optional offsets to prevent keyboard from hiding tree rows at the bottom of tree list. Only need on some devices where keyboard hides last trees in list. If a single value is listed, it will be used in both Standard and Check Cruise modes. If 2 values are listed as a comma separated list (e.g.,200,400) then the first value will be used in Standard mode and the second value in Check Cruise mode.
Database Backup Interval
Select the frequency at which the entire database should be automatically backed up
Trees Height Field
Name of the Trees Height Field
Trees Diameter Field
Name of the Trees Diameter Field
Trees Species Field
Name of the Trees Species Field
Tree ID Field
Name of the tree ID field
Tree Fields to Ignore
Comma separated list of fields that should be hidden in tree editor (e.g., volume)
Fields to Inherit From Stand and/or Plot
Comma separated list of fields that should be inherited from Stand to Plot and/or from Plot to Tree. If field name is present in both layers (e.g., stand and plot) the value will be copied from parent when value is blank/null in child (useful for filtering trees).These fields will be hidden in the tree table
Logs Table
Name of the Logs Table (no geometry) in the feature service
Log ID Field
Name of the log ID field
Log Length Field Name
Name of the log length field
Unique ID Field Name
Name of the field that will store the Unique ID (formerly called GUID; must be present in Stands, Plots, Trees and Logs tables)
Parent ID Field Name
Name of the field that will store the ID to parent stand, plot or tree (formerly called Parent_GUID; must be present in Plots, Trees and Logs tables)
Notes Field Name
Name of an optional field in Trees and/or Logs tables that are used for notes (field will appear wider in form to show more information)
Check Cruise Score Field Name
Name of an optional field in Plots feature class that is used to store a calculated check cruise score (should be integer type)
Check Cruise Scoring Rules Name
Name of the check cruise scoring rules to be used
Android ID
Copy Android ID and provide to WSG when requesting a license key
License Key
Paste in the license key from WSG here
Technical List of All MobileMap Settings
The details below include all MobileMap settings and their keys, summaries, data type an defaults. This detailed settings information can be useful to advanced users who intend to manually create or edit settings files or the settings information typically stored in a feature service description for use with MobileMap settings import functionality. Note that some of the settings below may be seldom used or even obsolete, but are maintained for backwards compatibility with older settings files and feature service settings information.
General Preferences
key: landscape
title: Use landscape orientation
summary: Uncheck to use portrait orientation
defaultValue: false
key: autoLoad
title: Autoload previous map cache
summary: Check box to auto-load the last used map cache
defaultValue: true
key: wakelock
title: Keep Device Awake
summary: Prevent device from going to sleep when MobileMap is running
defaultValue: false
key: showDataLoadProgress
title: Show Data Loading Progress and Results
summary: Show data loading Progress and results on startup and map cache switch - helpful to confirm data loaded properly
defaultValue: false
key: limitNotifications
title: Limit Number of Notifications
summary: Check box to limit the number of 'Toast' notifications (temporary popup messages). Helpful on some devices where too many notifications can cause some notifications to remain on screen instead of automatically disappearing
defaultValue: true
key: showPointEditInstructions
title: Show Point Geometry Editing Instructions
summary: Check to display instructions when editing point geometries
defaultValue: true
key: showLineEditInstructions
title: Show Line Geometry Editing Instructions
summary: Check to display instructions when editing line geometries
defaultValue: true
key: showPolygonEditInstructions
title: Show Polygon Geometry Editing Instructions
summary: Check to display instructions when editing polygon geometries
defaultValue: true
key: useAlias
title: Use Field Aliases
summary: Check box to display field aliases, rather than field names, in attribute editor
defaultValue: true
key: fontSize
title: Font Size
summary: Select default font size for settings and editing attributes. Current value: %s
defaultValue: 14
key: dbBackupAuto
title: Backup Data on Every Feature Save
summary: Check box to back up database whenever any feature is created or edited. Can cause performance issues when many features are created rapidly. Can cause data volume issues when SQLite format is selected below
defaultValue: true
key: dbBackupAsSqlite
title: Data Backup in SQLite Format
summary: Check box to use full SQLite database with all features when performing backups. When not checked, MobileMap will export only modified features and a more user friendly smaller text file format. Performance could be faster with either format, depending on todal data volume, volume of new/modified features, etc.
defaultValue: false
key: enableFeaturesToJson
title: Enable Features to JSON
summary: Check box to enable a 'Features to JSON' action in the Actions Menu that export all features in currently selected spatial layer as Esri JSON. This provides a way to export spatial data in an Esri-compatible format to support offline workflows that utilize ArcMap Desktop. Very uncommon
defaultValue: false
key: username
title: ArcGIS Username
summary: Enter your username for ArcGIS Online, Portal for ArcGIS, or ArcGIS Server
key: password
title: ArcGIS Password
summary: Enter the password that matches the ArcGIS Online, Portal for ArcGIS, or ArcGIS Server username set above
inputType: textPassword
key: usePortal
title: Use Portal for ArcGIS
summary: Check box to use Portal for ArcGIS, rather than ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Server, for authentication and feature services. Must have registered MobileMap as an app with your Portal instance and know your Portal URL
defaultValue: false
key: portalName
title: Portal for ArcGIS Name
summary: If using Portal for ArcGIS for authentication and operational data, enter a short name for it here. If not using Portal for ArcGIS leave this setting blank
dependency: usePortal
key: portalUrl
title: Portal for ArcGIS URL
summary: If using Portal for ArcGIS for authentication and operational data, enter the base URL (e.g., here. If not using Portal for ArcGIS leave this setting blank, even if you are using ArcGIS Server
dependency: usePortal
key: portalClientID
title: Portal for ArcGIS Client ID
summary: If using Portal for ArcGIS for authentication and operational data, you will need to register MobileMap with Portal and will receive a 15 character hexadecimal Client ID (also called Application or App ID) from the Portal. Enter that Client ID here. If not using Portal for ArcGIS leave this setting blank, even if you are using ArcGIS Server
dependency: usePortal
key: useArcgisServer
title: Use ArcGIS Server (without Portal)
summary: Check box to use ArcGIS Server, rather than Portal or ArcGIS Online, for authentication and feature services. ArcGIS Server must be configured to support token authentication and token service URL must be provided below
defaultValue: false
key: arcgisServerTokenUrl
title: ArcGIS Server Token URL
summary: If using ArcGIS Server for authentication and operational data, enter the full URL to the token service (e.g., here. If not using ArcGIS Server (without Portal) leave this setting blank, even if you are using Portal for ArcGIS. If not provided but checkbox above checked, MobileMap will try to guess the token URL from the first feature service's URL (by replacing '.../arcgis/rest/...' with '.../arcgis/tokens/generateToken'
dependency: useArcgisServer
key: email
title: Email Address
summary: Email address - used when registering device with WSG
inputType: textEmailAddress
key: enableResetCredentials
title: Enable Reset of Credentials
summary: Check box to enable a 'Reset Credentials' action in the Actions Menu that will clear existing credentials from MobileMap. Can be useful when you need to remove credentials after signing in to ArcGIS Online in order to access an ArcGIS Server feature service via saved username and password. Very uncommon
defaultValue: false
Data Collection and Editing
key: observerField
title: Observer Field
summary: Name of the field that stores observer (surveyor, cruiser, crew, etc.) name or initials
defaultValue: Observer
key: observerId
title: Observer Initials or Name
summary: Enter observer (surveyor, cruiser, crew, etc.) name or initials. May need to verify field length if using full name.
key: digitizeMode
title: Digitizing Method
summary: Select desired method for digitizing lines and polygons. Current value: %s
defaultValue: Tap
key: traceModeVertexMinimumDistance
title: Minimum polygon vertex spacing
summary: Minimum spacing (m) between vertices when digitizing in 'trace' mode. Current value: %s
defaultValue: 5
inputType: number
key: minimumMappingUnit
title: Minimum Mapping Unit - Trace Mode
summary: Enter in the minimum allowed area (square meters) for polygons when using trace mode (default is 100 square meters, ~1/4 acre). Current value: %s
defaultValue: 100
inputType: number
key: enableCopying
title: Enable Copying Features
summary: Check box to enable copying features from one layer (Feature Layer or Shapefile) to another (Feature Layer only) by copying geometry and (optionally) any attributes with matching field names in both the source and target layers
defaultValue: true
Data Model
key: lengthField
title: Length Field Name
summary: If this field name is found for Lines or Polygons, length will be calculated in current units
defaultValue: Length
key: areaField
title: Area Field Name
summary: If this field name is found for Polygons, area will be calculated in current units.
defaultValue: Area
key: persistentCreatedDateField
title: Custom Created Date Field Name
summary: Comma separated list of field names. If any of these fields are found they will be populated with current date and time when feature is created. This field will not be overwritten by sync.
key: persistentEditedDateField
title: Custom Edited Date Field Name
summary: Comma separated list of field names. If any of these fields are found they will be updated with current date and time whenever an existing feature is re-saved. This field will not be overwritten by sync.
key: persistentEditedDateNoOverwriteField
title: Custom Edited Date (No Overwrite) Field Name
summary: Comma separated list of field names. If any of these fields are found they will be updated with current date and time when an existing feature is re-saved AND THE CURRENT DATE IS NULL. This field will not be overwritten by sync. These fields are useful for capturing the first time a feature is edited in MobileMap.
key: createdSourceField
title: Created Source Field Name
summary: If this field is found it will be populated with 'MobileMap' + current version when a new feature is created. Can help determine data lineage and be useful for determining if data issues are being caused by field vs. desktop or web workflows.
defaultValue: Created_Source
key: lastEditedSourceField
title: Last Edited Source Field Name
summary: If this field is found it will be populated with 'MobileMap' + current version whenever a feature is modified. Can help determine data lineage and be useful for determining if data issues are being caused by field vs. desktop or web workflows.
defaultValue: Last_Edited_Source
key: gpsElevationField
title: GPS Elevation Field Name
summary: If this field name is found in point feature layers, it will be used to store the elevation value (in the currently selected units) returned by the GPS, and will be the average if GPS averaging is used
defaultValue: Elevation
key: gpsCountField
title: GPS Point Count Field Name
summary: If this field name is found in point feature layers and GPS point averaging used, it will be used to store the number of points averaged
defaultValue: GpsPointCount
key: gpsRmseField
title: GPS Root Mean Squared Error Field Name
summary: If this field name is found in point feature layers and GPS point averaging used, it will be used to store the RMSE of points averaged, in the currently selected units
defaultValue: GpsRMSE
key: calculatedFieldsFormat
title: Calculated Fields Equation Format
summary: Select format for calculated fields equation. Version 1 was the only version prior to MobileMap 4.3.3. Version 2 is available at version 4.3.3 on and uses a format similar to Esri's Arcade scripting language. Current value: %s
defaultValue: 1
key: calculatedFields
title: Calculated Fields
summary: Version 1 uses a comma separated list of calculated fields and associated calculations, version 2 uses a semicolon list. V1 example: 'Field2:{Field1}{YYYY}{Observer}{000}:N' (without the single quotes). V2 example: 'Field2:$Feature.Field1 + Date('YYYY') + Observer() + Increment(4):N'. Both statements will generate a value in Field2 as a concatenation of field1 value, the 4-digit year, the observer ID and a 3-digit auto-incrementing number (starting at 001), all separated by hyphens. The final component is either a Y or N indicating if the calculation should overwrite existing values, and it is separated from the rest of the equation by a colon. Y indicates overwrite, N indicates no-overwrite. The auto incrementing number will be reset to 1 when ANY component field changes. Supported components include 1) Date in one of the following formats 'YYYY', 'MMDDYYYY', 'DDMMYYYY', 'YYYYMMDD', 'YYYYDDMM', 'YYYY-MM-DD', 'YYYY-DD-MM', 'YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS' , 'YYYY-DD-MM-HH-MM-SS', 2) Universally Unique ID 'UUID', 3) Observer name or initials (from settings above) 'Observer', 4) field name (v2 uses Arcade format of $Feature.fieldname). If fieldnames is a field with coded value domain (dropdown list), destination field can be recalculated when dropdown selection is changed.
key: archiveFieldNameAndValues
title: Archive Field Name and Values
summary: Name of field that stores whether a feature has been 'archived' (rather than deleted), and the values representing 'archived' and 'not archived'. Use colons to separate 3 components. Typically the values will come from a coded value domain assigned to this field. Default field name is 'Archived' and values are 'Yes' and 'No' (e.g., 'Archived:Yes:No',without quotes). Currently only the Rules table implements archive logic - archived rules are not applied.
defaultValue: Archived:Yes:No
key: relatedDomainsTable
title: Related Domains Table
summary: Name of the Related Domains table (if present) which allows subsetting values of one Domain by the selected value of another Domain
defaultValue: Related_Domains
key: relatedTables
title: Related Tables
summary: Comma separated list of relationships between Feature Layers and Tables. Example: 'Stand:Silviculture_Treatments[Year,Treatment,Status]' indicates that there is a Silviculture_Treatments table that is related to the Stand layer and that the Year, Treatment and Status should be displayed when listing the Silviculture_Treatments. All relationships use GUID values stored in 'Unique_ID' and 'Parent_ID' fields
defaultValue: Parent:Child[Field1,Field2,Field3],Parent:Child[Field1,Field2,Field3]
key: rulesTable
title: Rules Table
summary: Name of the Rules Table (if present) in the feature service
defaultValue: Rules
key: readOnlyFields
title: Read Only Fields
summary: Comma separated list of fields that should be read only in the attribute editor (e.g., 'Field1,Field2').
key: hiddenFields
title: Hidden Fields
summary: Comma separated list of fields that should be hidden (not displayed) in the attribute editor (e.g., 'Field1,Field2'). Note: auto-populated fields should not be hidden or they won't be populated. Make these read-only instead.
defaultValue: created_user,last_edited_user,created_date,last_edited_date,Created,Edited,Created_Source,Edited_Source,Shape__Length,Shape__Area,Archived
key: numericDefaultZeroFields
title: Numeric Fields with a Default Value of Zero
summary: When a numeric field is set to required (not nullable) in the Feature Layer, the Esri data model will add a default value of 0. MobileMap typically uses a field's default value to pre-populate the field when creating a new feature. For many scenarios, populating with a 0 just because the field is required is not the desired behavior. Therefore, MobileMap will ignore default values of 0 for required numeric fields. If a required numeric field(s) really should have a default of zero (and be pre-populated when creating a new feature), add the field name(s) (not alias) here in a comma separated list
Synchronization Fields
key: authorField
title: Author Field Name
summary: Must be same field for all layers in service, used for synchronization
defaultValue: created_user
key: createdDateField
title: Created Date Field Name
summary: Must be same field for all layers in service, used for synchronization
defaultValue: created_date
key: editorField
title: Editor Field Name
summary: Must be same field for all layers in service, used for synchronization
defaultValue: last_edited_user
key: editDateField
title: Last Edited Date Field Name
summary: Must be same field for all layers in service, used for synchronization
defaultValue: last_edited_date
CSV Data Files
key: csvXcoordField
title: X Coordinate Field
summary: Field name for X coordinates
defaultValue: XCOORD
key: csvYcoordField
title: Y Coordinate Field
summary: Field name for Y coordinates
defaultValue: YCOORD
key: searchBuffer
title: Search Buffer
summary: Select search buffer distance (m) for selecting existing features. Current value: %s
defaultValue: 50
key: searchResultsTableHeight
title: Search Results Table Height
summary: Select the size of the search results table. A larger table covers more of the map. Current size is: %s
defaultValue: 250
Measurement and Navigation
key: linearMeasureUnit
title: Linear Measurement Unit
summary: Select desired unit for measuring lengths. Current value: %s
defaultValue: 3
key: areaMeasureUnit
title: Area Measurement Unit
summary: Select desired unit for measuring areas. Current value: %s
defaultValue: 6
key: coordinateProjection
title: Projection / Units for Coordinates
summary: Select desired projection and units for displaying GPS coordinates. Current value: %s
defaultValue: 1
key: displayCompassCheckbox
title: Display Compass
summary: Check to display a digital compass (compass only works on devices with magnetometers)
defaultValue: false
key: magneticDeclination
title: Magnetic Declination
summary: Enter magnetic declination for proper compass functionality
defaultValue: 0
inputType: numberDecimal|numberSigned
key: proximityAlertCheckbox
title: Enable Proximity Alert
summary: Check to enable alert sound when arriving at a feature (also set distance below)
defaultValue: false
key: proximityAlertDistance
title: Proximity Alert Distance
summary: Enter distance (using linear measurement units) at which an alert should sound when navigating to a feature
defaultValue: 30
dependency: proximityAlertCheckbox
inputType: numberDecimal
key: photoFields
title: Photo Fields
summary: Comma separated list of text fields that will be used to collect photos during data collection (e.g., 'Photos_Before,Photos_After')
defaultValue: Photos
key: includeFieldInPhotoPath
title: Include Field Name in Photo File Names
summary: Check box to append the photo field name to the end of the photo file name - otherwise filename will be month_day_year_hour_minute_second for new photos, and month_day_year_originalfilename for existing photos)
defaultValue: true
key: enableSelectExistingPhoto
title: Enable Selection of Existing Photos
summary: Check box to enable selection of existing photos as an alternative to taking a new photo during photo collection
defaultValue: false
key: outputPhotoSize
title: Output Photo Size
summary: Select output photo size. All photos captured will be resized to this setting to control disk usage and upload speeds. Current value: %s
defaultValue: 500
key: enablePhotoUpload
title: Enable Upload of Photos from MobileMap
summary: Check box to Enable Upload of Photos from MobileMap. Requires that photo upload service has been provided and URL and authentication parameters supplied below.
defaultValue: false
key: photoUploadUrl
title: Photo Upload URL
summary: Full URL to photo upload service. Should begin with 'https://...' and end with '.../uploadImage'. May have an optional folder or app suffix, like '../uploadImage/projectxyz'
dependency: enablePhotoUpload
key: photoUsername
title: Photo Upload URL Username
summary: Username for authenticating with the photo upload URL
dependency: enablePhotoUpload
key: photoPassword
title: Photo Upload URL Password
summary: Password for authenticating with the photo upload URL
inputType: textPassword
dependency: enablePhotoUpload
Situation Awareness
key: enableSituationAwareness
title: Enable Situation Awareness Panel
summary: Check box to display a map overlay (lower right corner) that shows polygon outline color and key attributes for the polygon at your current location. Helps eliminate need to zoom out to see color of current polygon, or to tap to get key attributes.
defaultValue: false
key: situationAwarenessPolygonLayer
title: Situation Awareness Polygon Layer
summary: Name of the polygon feature layer used when displaying situation awareness data.
dependency: enableSituationAwareness
defaultValue: Stands
key: situationAwarenessFields
title: Situation Awareness Fields To Display
summary: Comma separated list of fields whose values should be displayed in the situation awareness panel (lower right corner of map).
dependency: enableSituationAwareness
defaultValue: Stand_ID
GPS and Compass
key: displayGpsAccuracy
title: Display GPS Accuracy
summary: Check box to display the estimated GPS horizontal accuracy (in currently selected units) along with GPS coordinates and elevation
defaultValue: false
key: gpsPointSpacing
title: Tracking Mode Spacing (meters)
summary: Enter minimum distance between points when collecting data in Tracking Mode. Current value: %s
defaultValue: 10
key: enableGpsTracking
title: Enable GPS Tracking
summary: Check box to display the GPS tracking toolbar to allow collection of GPS tracks(breadcrumbs). Unchecking this box will hide the toolbar (preventing accidental collection of tracks) and increase real estate for the map,
defaultValue: true
key: gpsTrackingUpdateFrequency
title: Update Frequency for Tracking Path
summary: Lower value updates tracking path more often (1 = updates every time new GPS location received). Current value: %s
defaultValue: 2
key: trackingLayerName
title: Tracking Feature Layer
summary: Case sensitive name of tracking feature (must be polyline geometry)
defaultValue: tracks
key: gpsAveragingCountGoal
title: Number of GPS locations to average
summary: Select number of GPS locations to average when collecting point features with GPS. Does not affect collection of line or polygon features. Current value: %s
defaultValue: 1
key: gpsAveragingMaxSeconds
title: Maximum Wait Time
summary: Select maximum time (seconds) to wait when collecting point features with GPS. Current value: %s
defaultValue: 30
Zoom Levels
key: minZoomLevel
title: Minimum Zoom Level
summary: Select the minimum zoom level (L1 is default). Current value: %s
defaultValue: 156543.03392799999
key: maxZoomLevel
title: Maximum Zoom Level
summary: Select the maximum zoom level (L23 is default). Current value: %s
defaultValue: 0.0187
key: reloadZoomLevel
title: Default Reload Zoom Level
summary: Zoom level when auto-reloading map when changing feature labels. Current value: %s
defaultValue: 9.5546285356341496
key: labelScale
title: Map Scale for Labels
summary: Select the map scale at which labels should appear (when selected for a layer in display properties). Current value: %s
defaultValue: 12000
key: displayScale
title: Display scale and resolution
summary: Check box to Display map scale and resolution in lower left of map
defaultValue: true
MobileMap Cruise
key: enableForestInventory
title: Enable Cruise Functionality
summary: Check box to support collection of cruise stand, plot, tree and log data (requires layers, tables and settings below)
defaultValue: false
key: enableMultipleCruiseServices
title: Enable Multiple Cruise Feature Services Simultaneously
summary: Check box to support multiple cruise feature services simultaneously. Requires user to select active cruise (Actions Select Active Cruise) before beginning data collection and to change active cruise when changing to a different feature service.
dependency: enableForestInventory
defaultValue: false
key: cruiseExportConfigurationFile
title: Cruise Export Configuration File Name
summary: Name of the CSV file that contains cruise export configuration data(e.g., 'cruiseExportMapping.csv' without the quotes). This file will have 5 columns: Layer, Order, EsriName, ExportName, Default
dependency: enableForestInventory
defaultValue: cruiseExportMapping.csv
key: guidField
title: Unique ID Field Name
summary: Name of the field that will store the Unique ID (former default was 'GUID'). Must be a valid UUID (32 character minimum) and must be present for all records. Must be present in Stands, Plots, Trees and Logs tables)
dependency: enableForestInventory
defaultValue: Unique_ID
key: parentGuidField
title: Parent ID Field Name
summary: Name of the field that will store the ID to parent stand, plot or tree (formerly called Parent_GUID). Must be a valid UUID (32 character minimum) and must be present for all records. Must be present in Plots, Trees and Logs tables)
dependency: enableForestInventory
defaultValue: Parent_ID
key: treeInheritFields
title: Fields to Inherit from Parent
summary: Comma separated list of fields that should be inherited from Cruise to Stand, Stand to Plot, Plot to Tree or Tree to Log. If field name is present in both layers (e.g., stand and plot) the value will be copied from parent when value is blank/null in child (useful for filtering trees). These fields will be hidden in the tree and log lists
dependency: enableForestInventory
key: dbBackupInterval
title: Database Backup Interval
summary: Select the frequency at which the entire database should be automatically backed up. Note that if there are performance issues with data backups, consider changing the backup format in General Preferences Data Backup in SQLite Format. Current value: %s
dependency: enableForestInventory
defaultValue: 20
key: cruisesFeatureLayer
title: Cruises Feature Layer
summary: Name of the Cruises polygon feature layer in the feature service
dependency: enableForestInventory
defaultValue: Cruises
key: cruiseIdField
title: Cruise ID Field
summary: Name of the cruise ID field
dependency: enableForestInventory
defaultValue: Cruise_ID
key: enableCruisesCreate
title: Enable Creation of New Cruises
summary: Check box to enable creation of new cruise polygons using draw or GPS tools
dependency: enableForestInventory
defaultValue: true
key: standsFeatureLayer
title: Stands Feature Layer
summary: Name of the Stands polygon feature layer in the feature service
dependency: enableForestInventory
defaultValue: Stands
key: standIdField
title: Stand ID Field
summary: Name of the stand ID field
dependency: enableForestInventory
defaultValue: Stand_ID
key: enableStandCreate
title: Enable Creation of New Stands
summary: Check box to enable creation of new stand polygons using draw or GPS tools
dependency: enableForestInventory
defaultValue: true
key: enableStandDelete
title: Enable Deletion of Existing Stands
summary: Check box to enable deletion of stands that were downloaded from or have already been uploaded to server
dependency: enableForestInventory
defaultValue: true
key: enableStandSpatialEdit
title: Enable Spatial Edit of Existing Stands
summary: Check box to enable spatial edit (drawing or GPS) of stands that were downloaded from or have already been uploaded to server
dependency: enableForestInventory
defaultValue: true
key: bafField
title: Basal Area Factor (BAF) Field
summary: Name of the field that stores the BAF or fixed radius plot size. Typically this field is present in the Stands and Plots layers and included in 'Fields to Inherit from Parent'. This allows the Plot Layout tool to populate the BAF for all plots when it has been set for the parent stand. For BAF, values should be the BAF number with an optional prefix of 'BAF' (e.g., BAF10 represents a BAF of 10). For fixed area plots, values should be the denominator of the fraction of an acre of the plot area, prefixed with 'FIX' (e.g., FIX5 represents a 1/5 acre fixed radius plot)
dependency: enableForestInventory
defaultValue: BAF
key: plotsFeatureLayer
title: Plots Feature Layer
summary: Name of the Plots point feature layer in the feature service
dependency: enableForestInventory
defaultValue: Plots
key: plotIdField
title: Plot ID Field
summary: Name of the plot ID field
dependency: enableForestInventory
defaultValue: Plot_ID
key: statusField
title: Plot Status Field
summary: Name of field in the plot layer that stores the plot status which indicates whether a plot has been measured or not (required for stand summary)
dependency: enableForestInventory
defaultValue: Status
key: statusValues
title: Measured Status Values
summary: Comma separated list of values in the status field that indicate a plot has been measured (e.g., 'PrimaryCruised,AlternateCruised' - no quotes) (required for stand summary)
dependency: enableForestInventory
defaultValue: Measured
key: enablePlotCreate
title: Enable Creation of New Plots
summary: Check box to enable creation of new plot points using draw or GPS tools
dependency: enableForestInventory
defaultValue: true
key: enablePlotDelete
title: Enable Deletion of Existing Plots
summary: Check box to enable deletion of plots that were downloaded from or have already been uploaded to server
dependency: enableForestInventory
defaultValue: true
key: enablePlotSpatialEdit
title: Enable Spatial Edit of Existing Plots
summary: Check box to enable spatial edit (drawing or GPS) of plots that were downloaded from or have already been uploaded to server
dependency: enableForestInventory
defaultValue: true
key: enablePlotCopy
title: Enable Copying of Plots
summary: Check box to enable copying of plots individually from another feature layer or Shapefile. Not common, leaving unchecked prevents copy tool from showing when editing Plots and can prevent accidental copy of plots when copying enabled (see Enable Copying Features in Data Collection and Editing above)
dependency: enableForestInventory
defaultValue: false
key: treesTable
title: Trees Table
summary: Name of the Trees Table (no geometry) in the feature service
dependency: enableForestInventory
defaultValue: Trees
key: treeIdField
title: Tree ID Field
summary: Name of the tree ID field
dependency: enableForestInventory
defaultValue: Tree_ID
key: treeHeightField
title: Tree Height Field
summary: Name of the Trees Height Field
dependency: enableForestInventory
defaultValue: Height
key: treeDiameterField
title: Tree Diameter Field
summary: Name of the Trees Diameter Field
dependency: enableForestInventory
defaultValue: DBH
key: treeCountField
title: Tree Count Field
summary: Name of the Trees Count or Tally Field used when a tree record can represent more than 1 tree
dependency: enableForestInventory
defaultValue: Count
key: treeSpeciesField
title: Tree Species Field
summary: Name of the Trees Species Field
dependency: enableForestInventory
defaultValue: Species
key: treeDefectField
title: Tree Defect Field
summary: Name of field that stores tree level defect. Field should be integer with values between 0 and 100, where defect is in % of volume (rather than percent of bole length, percent of log length, etc.). Volume calculation will apply a simple scaling of volume by subtracking the percent defect from the calculated tree volume
dependency: enableForestInventory
defaultValue: Defect
key: treeCullFieldAndValue
title: Tree Cull Field and Value
summary: Name of field in the tree table that can be used to determine if a tree is 100% cull, and the value that indicates this, separated by ':'. Default is 'Component:C'
dependency: enableForestInventory
defaultValue: Component:C
key: cruiseTypeField
title: Cruise Type Field
summary: Name of the field in the Trees table that stores Cruse Type and the values used to represent standard (or production) vs. check cruise trees.
dependency: enableForestInventory
defaultValue: Cruise_Type
key: cruiseTypeStandardCruiseValue
title: Standard Cruise Value
summary: Value that represents a standard (or production) cruise tree in the Cruise Type Field above. Default value is 'S' (without quotes)
dependency: enableForestInventory
defaultValue: S
key: cruiseTypeCheckCruiseValue
title: Check Cruise Value
summary: Value that represents a check cruise tree in the Cruise Type Field above. Default value is 'C' (without quotes)
dependency: enableForestInventory
defaultValue: C
key: treeIgnoreFields
title: Tree and Log Fields to Ignore
summary: Comma separated list of fields that should be hidden in tree and log lists (e.g., volume)
defaultValue: Created_Source,Edited_Source
dependency: enableForestInventory
key: treeLogColumnWeights
title: Tree and Log Field Column Width Weights
summary: Comma separated list of fields and their associated column width weights. The default weight is 1 for all columns. If a column needs to be wider (e.g., to support a value like 12.3 for DBH) then the field name and its weight can be entered here in the format 'fieldname:weight,fieldname:weight' (e.g., 'DBH:2,Height:1.5' - without quotes)
dependency: enableForestInventory
key: displayLD
title: Enable Calculation of Limiting Distance
summary: Check box to show Limiting Distance calculation button (ruler icon) on the tree list. Requires a Plot-level field that stores the BAF or fixed area plot size, see Basal Area Factor (BAF) Field under Stands for more information on this field.
dependency: enableForestInventory
defaultValue: true
key: limitingDistanceToFace
title: Calculate Limiting Distance to Face of Tree
summary: Check box to calculate limiting distance to face of tree rather than the default of distance to center of tree
dependency: displayLD
defaultValue: false
key: enableTreeEdit
title: Enable editing of trees
summary: Check box to enable editing of trees. This includes ability to create new trees, and to edit and delete existing trees. Unchecking this box will change the tree table to read-only, which may be useful for some editing scenarios where no edits should be made to existing data.
dependency: enableForestInventory
defaultValue: true
key: maxTreeRows
title: Maximum Number of Tree Rows
summary: Select the maximum number of tree rows to display at any one time (fewer rows improves performance). Current value: %s
dependency: enableForestInventory
defaultValue: 20
key: treeListKeyboardOffset
title: Tree List Keyboard Offset
summary: Optional offsets to prevent keyboard from hiding tree rows at the bottom of tree list. (Only needed on some devices where keyboard hides last trees in list).
dependency: enableForestInventory
defaultValue: 0
key: autoDisableNullTreeFields
title: Automatically Disable Tree Fields Based on Business Rules
summary: Check box to automatically disable tree fields when a business rule requires that field to be null based on criteria. Example: if tree type is Regen (rather than Overstory) disable the DBH field. If the first field in the data model is tree type, if R (for Regen) is entered, the DBH field for that tree would be disabled.
defaultValue: false
key: logsTable
title: Logs Table
summary: Name of the Logs Table (no geometry) in the feature service
dependency: enableForestInventory
defaultValue: Logs
key: logIdField
title: Log ID Field
summary: Name of the log ID field
dependency: enableForestInventory
defaultValue: Log_ID
key: logLengthField
title: Log Length Field Name
summary: Name of the log length field
dependency: enableForestInventory
defaultValue: Length
Tree Sampling
key: enableTreeSampling
title: Use Tree Sampling
summary: Check box to indicate that tree sampling may be used to determine if a tree should be measured rather than tallied. When enabled, MobileMap will alert cruiser when recording the nth tree so cruiser knows to measure DBH, height, etc. Complete settings below to define the sampling type field and values representing the different supported sampling types
dependency: enableForestInventory
defaultValue: false
key: standLevelSamplingTypeField
title: Stand-Level Sample Type Field
summary: Name of field in the Stands table that stores the type of sampling (if any) should be used for a given plot. Default field name is 'Sample_Type'. MobileMap expects that this field will use a coded value domain with the following values for supporting sampling types: BB = Big BAF, STR = Sample Tree Ratio, FTN = First Tree North, PCM = Point Count or Measure, None = no sampling.
dependency: enableTreeSampling
defaultValue: Sample_Type
key: plotLevelSamplingTypeField
title: Plot-Level Sample Type Field
summary: Name of field in the Plots table that stores the type of sampling (if any) should be used for a given plot. For 'Point Count Measure' approach, sample type at the Stand level will be used to set plots to Count or Measure. Default field name is 'Sample_Type'. MobileMap expects that this field will use a coded value domain with the following values for supporting sampling types: BB = Big BAF, STR = Sample Tree Ratio, FTN = First Tree North, PCMC = PCM Count, PCMM = PCM Measure, Tally = all trees tallied (same as PCMC, all trees counted and not measured) None = no sampling (same as PCMM, all trees measured).
dependency: enableTreeSampling
defaultValue: Sample_Type
key: treeLevelSamplingTypeFieldAndValues
title: Tree-Level Sample Type Field Name and Values
summary: Name of field in the Trees table (field name should be different than plot-level sample type field) that stores whether tree is a Measure tree or a Tally tree, and the values representing 'measure' and 'tally'. Use colons to separate 3 components. Typically the values will come from a coded value domain assigned to this field. Default field name is 'Sample' and values are 'M' and 'T' (e.g., 'Sample:M:T',without quotes). Note, cannot use non-nullable fields for fields like DHB or Height, since tally trees do not require these measurements (Species and Tally or Count can be non-nullable).
dependency: enableTreeSampling
defaultValue: Sample:M:T
Sample Group Methods - FTN, STR
key: treeSampleGroupAttributeFields
title: Tree Sample Group Attribute Fields
summary: Comma separated list of fields in the tree table that define a sample group for First Tree North (FTN) and sample tree ratio (STR) subsampling. Default value is 'Species,Product' (without quotes).
dependency: enableTreeSampling
defaultValue: Species,Product
key: sampleTreeRatiosField
title: Sample Tree Ratios Field
summary: Field in the Stand and/or Plot table that stores the sample tree ratios. Default value is 'Sample_Tree_Ratios' (without quotes).
dependency: enableTreeSampling
defaultValue: Sample_Tree_Ratios
key: defaultSampleTreeRatios
title: Default Sample Tree Ratios
summary: Comma separated list of sample tree ratio entries. For each sample tree ratio, enter the grouping fields and the ratio, separated by colons. For default, use 'XX' for text or '0' for integer fields. E.g., 'DF:S:5,DF:P:10,GF:XX:2,XX:XX:3' (without quotes) indicates that every 5th Douglas fir sawtimber tree, every 10th Doug fir Pulp tree, every second Grand fir (any product), and every third tree for all other species and products should be measured and the rest of the trees should be tallied by species or species + product (according to the Sample Tree Ratio Fields above). Each sample tree ratio included here will be included when populating a new sample tree ratio entry using the sample tree ratio editing tool. Once created, they can be modified or augmented within that tool
dependency: enableTreeSampling
defaultValue: XX-XX:3
key: treeLevelBafField
title: Tree-Level BAF Field for Big BAF method
summary: Name of field in the Trees table that stores the type of BAF that includes a given tree. Default field name is 'BAF_Type'. MobileMap expects that this field will use a coded value domain with the following values BAF types: B = Big BAF, S = Small BAF.
dependency: enableTreeSampling
defaultValue: BAF_Type
Stand & Plot Summaries
key: enableStandSummary
title: Enable Calculation of Stand Summary
summary: Check box to enable calculation of stand summaries including BA, TPA and QMD
dependency: enableForestInventory
defaultValue: true
key: enablePlotSummary
title: Enable Calculation of Plot Summary
summary: Check box to enable calculation of plot summaries including BA, TPA
dependency: enableStandSummary
defaultValue: true
key: minDbhForAvgCalc
title: Minimum DBH for average tree per plot calculation
summary: Minimum DBH for determining if a tree should be included in the average tree per plot calculation in stand summary. Default is zero, increasing this value can prevent small trees from having strong impact on average trees per plot calculation.
inputType: numberDecimal
defaultValue: 0
key: useNestedPlot
title: Nested Plots
summary: Check box to indicate that a nested plot design is used. Nested plots are small fixed radius plots used to measure smaller trees. Use the fields below to indicate the DBH cutoff and area of the nested plot
dependency: enablePlotSummary
defaultValue: false
key: bafLimitingDbh
title: BAF Limiting DBH
summary: Minimum DBH of trees measured on variable radius plots when nested plot design used
dependency: useNestedPlot
inputType: numberDecimal
defaultValue: 0
key: nestedPlotFieldAndValues
title: Nested Plot Fields and Values
summary: If inclusion in nested plot is determined by an attribute (e.g., Component, Product) list the field name and the values which indicate that a tree was sampled on the nested (rather than main) plot. Format is 'fieldname:value1,value2' (no quotes). Example: 'Product:Repro,Submerch'
dependency: useNestedPlot
defaultValue: 0
key: nestedPlotArea
title: Nested Plot Area
summary: Area of fixed area nested plots, in fraction of an acre. For a 1/200th acre plot (radius 8.33 ft) use '200' (no quotes). Use single value (e.g., '100') if using only one nested plot size. For multiple nested plot sizes (e.g., 1/100 for repro, 1/50 for submerch) use format: 'value1:size1,value2:size2' (no quotes). Example: 'Repro:100,Submerch:50'. If using this setting, leave the setting below blank.
dependency: useNestedPlot
inputType: numberDecimal
key: nestedPlotSizeField
title: Nested Plot Size Field Names
summary: Nested plot size field names. See 'Basal Area Factor (BAF) Field' setting for more details on expected values for this field. Use single field name (e.g., 'Nested_Plot_Size') if using only one nested plot size. For multiple nested plot sizes (e.g., 1/100 for Repro, 1/50 for Submerch) use format: 'value1:fieldname1,value2:fieldname2' (no quotes). Example: 'Repro:Repro_Plot_Size,Submerch:Submerch_Plot_Size'. If using this setting, leave the setting above blank.
dependency: useNestedPlot
inputType: numberDecimal
Volume Calculation
key: volumeDbName
title: Tree Volume Database File Name
summary: Name of the SQLite database file name to use when calculating volumes (default is 'fvs_nvel_volume.sqlite') and 'dubbing' tree heights. Database file should be stored in folder named 'Volume' in the main data directory (e.g., '/storage/1234-5678/MobileMap/Volume'
dependency: enablePlotSummary
defaultValue: fvs_nvel_volume.sqlite
key: usfsRegion
title: USFS Region
summary: Select the USFS Region for volume calculations. Current value: %s
defaultValue: 1
key: usfsForest
title: USFS Forest
summary: Enter the nearest USFS Forest 3-number code (e.g. 103 for Bitterroot National Forest) for volume calculations. If volume database created using Region default rather than forest-specific equations, use '1' (no quotes) for region.
defaultValue: 1
inputType: number
key: volumeUnit
title: Volume Unit
summary: Select the volume unit to use when calculating tree volumes. Current value: %s
defaultValue: BDFT_SCRIBNER
Check Cruise
key: checkCruiseOnlyFields
title: Check Cruise Only Fields
summary: Comma separated list of fields that should be hidden (not displayed) in the attribute editor when NOT in check cruise mode(e.g., 'Field1,Field2'). The most common examples are fields in the Stands and Plots tables that are only updated by check cruisers such as Notes_Check, Plot_Not_Found, or Plot_Flagged_OK)Note: auto-populated fields should not be hidden or they won't be populated. Make these read-only in Data Model Settings instead.
defaultValue: Notes_Check
key: isCheckCruise
title: Check Cruise Mode
summary: Check box to enable Check Cruise Mode
dependency: enableForestInventory
defaultValue: false
key: enableCheckCruiseCopy
title: Enable Copying of Cruise Trees into Check Cruise
summary: Check box to support direct copy of cruise trees into check cruise tree list. This approach saves time but may bias the check data
dependency: isCheckCruise
defaultValue: false
Plot Layout
key: enablePlotLayout
title: Enable Plot Layout
summary: Check box to enable creation of new plots using plot layout tool
dependency: enableForestInventory
defaultValue: true
key: plotLayoutBuffer
title: Stand Boundary Buffer
summary: Enter a number (in linear measurement units selected above) to buffer in the stand boundary to prevent plots on the edge of stands. Current value: %s
defaultValue: 0
dependency: enablePlotLayout
inputType: number
key: plotCountMin
title: Minimum Plot Count
summary: Minimum number of plots per stand when using plot layout tool
dependency: enablePlotLayout
inputType: number
defaultValue: 10
key: plotCountMax
title: Maximum Plot Count
summary: Maximum number of plots per stand when using plot layout tool
dependency: enablePlotLayout
inputType: number
defaultValue: 30
key: plotDensity
title: Target Plot Density
summary: Target plot density (area per plot, in currently selected area units) when using plot layout tool
dependency: enablePlotLayout
defaultValue: 2
key: plotDensityField
title: Plot Density Field
summary: Optional stand field name to read plot density value from, on a per stand basis, when using plot layout tool. Can be useful when different strata have different target densities. If value found in this field it will override the default Target Plot Density setting above.
dependency: enablePlotLayout
defaultValue: Plot_Density
key: plotCountGoalField
title: Plot Count Goal Field
summary: Optional stand field name to read plot count goal from, on a per stand basis, when using plot layout tool. Can be useful when an existing tool or process calculates the number of plots desired and stores value on the stand feature. If value found in this field it will override the default Target Plot Density and Plot Density Field settings above.
dependency: enablePlotLayout
defaultValue: Plot_Count_Goal
key: plotCountField
title: Plot Count Field
summary: Optional stand field name to store the number of plots created, on a per stand basis, when using plot layout tool. Can be useful as a reference for the number of plots that were created
dependency: enablePlotLayout
defaultValue: Plot_Count
key: plotXYRatio
title: Plot X:Y Ratio
summary: Ratio of spacing in X to Y, in format of (X spacing):(Y spacing). Default is 1:1. To simulate pattern of 4 chain by 5 chain grid, use ratio of 4:5.
dependency: enablePlotLayout
defaultValue: 1:1
key: plotStartingId
title: Plot Starting ID
summary: The plot ID that should be used as the first plot ID when generating plots. Will be incremented on this device when new plots are generated
dependency: enablePlotLayout
inputType: number
defaultValue: 1
key: plotLayoutStartAt1
title: Start Plot ID at 1 for Every Stand
summary: Check box to start Plot ID at 1 for each Stand. If enabled, this setting overrides Plot Starting ID setting above
dependency: enablePlotLayout
defaultValue: true
key: plotLayoutDiamond
title: Use Diamond Layout
summary: Check box to use a diamond layout pattern instead of square or rectangle
dependency: enablePlotLayout
defaultValue: false
key: plotLayoutMaxIterations
title: Maximum Iterations
summary: The maximum number of iterations when trying to match the target number of plots during plot layout. Increasing this number means that MobileMap will try longer to get the exact number before giving up
dependency: enablePlotLayout
inputType: number
defaultValue: 500
key: plotLayoutAttributeRatios
title: Plot Layout Attribute Ratios
summary: Semicolon separated list of attribute fields and their associated values and ratios. Example use cases: 1) assign every odd plot to cruiser with ID 'JD' and every even plot to 'DJ', 2) make every 3rd plot a count plot and all other plots measure plots. Syntax: plotFieldName1=code1:code2:code3,ratio1:code2:ratio3 or plotFieldName1=code1:code2:code3,$Feature.standFieldName, where standFieldName will contain the ratios in a text field with values like '1:1' or '1:3'. Examples 1 and 2: 'Cruiser=JD:DJ,1:1;Plot_Type=Count:Measure,$Feature.PCTM_Ratio' (without quotes). Note that if a plot field uses a coded value domain, use the codes (not descriptions) here.
dependency: enablePlotLayout
inputType: text
defaultValue: Cruiser=JD:DJ,1:2;Sample_Type=PCMC:PCMM,$Feature.PCTM_Ratio
MobileMap Harvest
key: enableMobileMapHarvest
title: Enable Automated Harvest Mapping
summary: Check box to enable automatic mapping of tree harvest locations. Situation Awareness must be enabled (see Situation Awareness section). Requires MobileMap Harvest device installed in harvester.
dependency: enableSituationAwareness
defaultValue: false
key: enableHarvestDebugging
title: Enable Harvest Debugging
summary: Check box to enable display of additional messages for debugging issues with MobileMap Harvest.
dependency: enableMobileMapHarvest
defaultValue: false
key: harvestTreesFeatureLayer
title: Harvest Trees Location Feature Layer
summary: Name of the harvest tree location feature Layer in the feature service. Used to store harvested tree stem location.
dependency: enableMobileMapHarvest
defaultValue: Harvest_Trees
key: situationAwarenessMinSpeedForBearing
title: Harvest Minimum Speed for Bearing
summary: Minimum speed (MPH) for useful bearing. If speed falls below this value, bearing info from GPS will be ignored.
dependency: enableMobileMapHarvest
inputType: number
defaultValue: 5
key: harvestGpsOffset
title: Harvest GPS Offset
summary: Distance in feet between GPS antennae and harvester cutting head.
dependency: enableMobileMapHarvest
inputType: numberDecimal
defaultValue: 0
key: harvestReadInterval
title: Harvest Data Read Interval
summary: Select the interval for read events via Bluetooth (in milliseconds). Current value: %s
defaultValue: 1000
dependency: enableMobileMapHarvest
key: harvestGpsFeatureLayer
title: Harvest GPS Location Feature Layer
summary: Name of the harvest GPS location feature Layer in the feature service. Used to store location of GPS antenna at time of harvest.
dependency: enableMobileMapHarvest
defaultValue: Harvest_GPS
key: harvestGpsBearingField
title: GPS Bearing Field (Optional)
summary: Name of the field that should record the GPS derived bearing.
dependency: enableMobileMapHarvest
defaultValue: Bearing
key: deviceCode
title: Device Code
summary: Code created at and used to obtain or renew license.
inputType: textEmailAddress
key: licenseAutoRefreshDays
title: Automatic License Renewal
summary: Select number of days prior to license expiration when license should auto-renew. If 'never' selected, manual renewal of license will be necessary. Otherwise, MobileMap will attempt to auto-renew license on startup when internet connection is present and license expiration date is less than value selected. Current value: %s
defaultValue: 14
key: androidId
title: Android ID
summary: Copy Android ID and provide to WSG when requesting a license key
key: licenseServiceUrl
title: License Service
summary: License service URL
key: licenseKey
title: License Key (Do Not Edit)
summary: This setting is automatically populated by the license device tool, do not manually edit. Only exposed here for troubleshooting purposes.
summary: Copy Android ID and provide to MB&G when requesting a license key
key: licenseServiceUrl,
title: License Service,
summary: License service URL,
key: licenseKey,
title: License Key (Do Not Edit),
summary: This setting is automatically populated by the license device tool, do not manually edit. Only exposed here for troubleshooting purposes.
key: licenseAutoRefreshDays,
title: Automatic License Renewal,
summary: Select number of days prior to license expiration when license should auto-renew. If 'never' selected, manual renewal of license will be necessary. Otherwise, MobileMap will attempt to auto-renew license on startup when internet connection is present and license expiration date is less than value selected. Current value: %s,
defaultValue: 14,
title: Licensing,
key: license_information