Map document name - we recommend using the same name as the feature (e.g., Cruise_Data_Model_v2). This is helpful when overwriting a Feature Service, as ArcMap will know which Feature Service you are attempting to overwrite.
Map Layer - set projection to Web Mercator (Auxiliary Sphere)
Map Document Properties
Required properties - you must supply the following attributes prior to publishing
Title - We recommend using the same name as the MXD and Feature Service name
Tags - We recommend using ‘MobileMap’ and optionally ‘InventoryManager’ (if relevant)
Optional properties -
Summary - Use as appropriate to clarify the intended use of this service
Description - MobileMap settings can be copied into the description field of the map metadata, see MobileMap Settings section below
WSG encourages our clients to publish feature services from ArcGIS Pro.
ArcGIS Pro
Map Properties
Use the map Properties to provide a Title, Tags, Summary and Description
This terminology is a bit confusing, because you will actually be publishing a Feature Service, and it will have multiple layers, but that is the generic term that is used in ArcGIS Pro. Go to Share > Web Layer > Publish Web Layer
On the Configuration Tab
Check the box to enable editing (Add, Delete, Update) of Attributes and Geometry
Optionally enable Sync (for compatibility with Esri Field Maps) and Export Data (to enabled export of full database as FGDB for backup, etc.)
MobileMap Settings - Saving to Feature Service
MobileMap settings can optionally be saved in the ‘description’ field of a Feature Service. This allows MobileMap to import optimized settings directly from the Feature Service itself when setting up a new device or changing to a new service. This approach is in contrast to manually configuring settings, or importing settings from a settings file.
To save MobileMap settings to a feature service, copy existing settings into the Map Properties ‘Description’ field. When the service is published (or republished) the settings can be imported into MobileMap by using Actions > Import Settings.
While adding MobileMap seetings to the Feature Service is not required, it is recommended in order to provide efficient and consistent configuration of MobileMap devices. Note that there are some situations where this may not be desired (e.g., cases where MobileMap settings will be imported from settings files, rather than the feature service due to the use of different settings under different scenarios).
Follow the steps below to configure MobileMap settings, copy them to your PC, apply them to your Map and finally add them to the Feature Service. The This can be done before publishing the service, or before updating (overwriting) a service.
When copying MobileMap settings into your Map properties, follow these steps:
Configure one MobileMap device with all appropriate settings. Typically this is done by
Publishing the Feature Service without settings
Connecting to the service with MobileMap and manually updating settings until standard workflows can be completed. The most commonly changed settings include hidden fields, read only fields, tree and log fields to ignore, etc.
Export settings from MobileMap to a text file (Actions > Export Settings) and open up text file on your PC
Optionally edit the settings file to reduce the list of setting to just those that are non-default settings (only the settings you updated when configuring MobileMap)
Use a text editing tool to remove unnecessary whitespaces including line breaks, tabs and spaces (e.g., https://www.browserling.com/tools/remove-all-whitespace)
Paste the condensed settings into the map ‘Description’ field in Map properties
ArcMap: Map Document Properties > Description
ArcGIS Pro: Map Properties > Metadata > Settings
Example of settings in ArcGIS Pro:
Publish or republish your feature service
If republishing in ArcGIS Pro, you will be asked if you want to use the existing description or the description from your Map document. Choose the ‘Use the item description from the map or layer’ option:
Layer Order
The typical layer order is as follows:
View file | ||
ArcMap - Settings and Publishing
Once the symbology, projection, data model and Editor Tracking (see MobileMap: Data Model / Data Modeling Process for more information on data modeling and Editor Tracking) have been set and saved, follow the steps below to publish the map document as a feature service in ArcGIS Online / Portal.
Make sure to zoom out to an extent that covers all of the area for the relevant data to be published. For example, if you have data which consists of all counties in California, zoom out on the map to show California, Oregon and Mexico.
Once zoomed out, save the map document and do not zoom back in before publishing.
Ensure that you are logged in to your ArcGIS Account in ArcMap / ArcPro. To sign in from ArcMap, go to File -> Sign In.
Publish the service using the ‘Share’ option in ArcMap (File -> Share As -> Service). Select ‘Publish a service’ and name the service. We recommend using the same naming convention as field names - title case with underscores, and include a version number if helpful (e.g., Title_Case_With_Underscores_v2). Note that the feature service names will be displayed alphabetically in the ‘Select Feature Service’ dialog, and Android sorting is case sensitive - this means that ‘a' will be sorted below 'Z’ because capitol letters are sorted before (above) lower case letters. As described above, we recommend naming the ArcMap document (MXD) with that will be used for the feature service. This helps when overwriting a service after changes are made to the data model or symbology. Complete the following information during the publication process:
Capabilities - check Feature Access and uncheck Tiled Mapping.
Feature Access - check the boxes next to Create, Delete, Query, Sync, and Update. (Figure 11)
Item Description - add text in the Summary and Tags. If these were set in the Map Document Properties as suggested above, these will already be populated. Review them to make sure they are correct.
Sharing - choose the level of Sharing.
Selecting Everyone makes the feature service a ‘public’ service, meaning anyone could potentially find the service if they know what to search for on ArcGIS Online. This is NOT recommended.
Selecting your organization limits the sharing to just your group. (If you select your organization, you will need to put your ArcGIS Online user name and password in the settings of WSG MobileMap).
For MobileMap to find the service and display it in the ‘Select Feature Service’ dialog, the service must be shared with at least one group that the user is a member of. Sharing via ‘Everyone’ or ‘Your Organization’ is not sufficient for MobileMap to find the service.
See section below on Managing ArcGIS Online Groups and Users for more information on this topic
Finally, select Publish in the upper right corner.
Your feature service is now published. Log in to ArcGIS Online to review and confirm it is as expected.
ArcGIS Pro - Settings and Publishing
Map Properties
Use the map Properties to provide a Title, Tags, Summary and Description
This terminology is a bit confusing, because you will actually be publishing a Feature Service, and it will have multiple layers, but that is the generic term that is used in ArcGIS Pro. Go to Share > Web Layer > Publish Web Layer
On the Configuration Tab
Check the box to enable editing (Add, Delete, Update) of Attributes and Geometry
Optionally enable Sync (for compatibility with Esri Field Maps) and Export Data (to enabled export of full database as FGDB for backup, etc.)
MobileMap Settings - Saving to Feature Service
MobileMap settings can optionally be saved in the ‘description’ field of a Feature Service. This allows MobileMap to import optimized settings directly from the Feature Service itself when setting up a new device or changing to a new service. This approach is in contrast to manually configuring settings, or importing settings from a settings file.
To save MobileMap settings to a feature service, copy existing settings into the Map Properties ‘Description’ field. When the service is published (or republished) the settings can be imported into MobileMap by using Actions > Import Settings.
While adding MobileMap seetings to the Feature Service is not required, it is recommended in order to provide efficient and consistent configuration of MobileMap devices. Note that there are some situations where this may not be desired (e.g., cases where MobileMap settings will be imported from settings files, rather than the feature service due to the use of different settings under different scenarios).
Follow the steps below to configure MobileMap settings, copy them to your PC, apply them to your Map and finally add them to the Feature Service. The This can be done before publishing the service, or before updating (overwriting) a service.
When copying MobileMap settings into your Map properties, follow these steps:
Configure one MobileMap device with all appropriate settings. Typically this is done by
Publishing the Feature Service without settings
Connecting to the service with MobileMap and manually updating settings until standard workflows can be completed. The most commonly changed settings include hidden fields, read only fields, tree and log fields to ignore, etc.
Export settings from MobileMap to a text file (Actions > Export Settings) and open up text file on your PC
Optionally edit the settings file to reduce the list of setting to just those that are non-default settings (only the settings you updated when configuring MobileMap)
Use a text editing tool to remove unnecessary whitespaces including line breaks, tabs and spaces (e.g., https://www.browserling.com/tools/remove-all-whitespace)
Paste the condensed settings into the map ‘Description’ field in Map properties
ArcMap: Map Document Properties > Description
ArcGIS Pro: Map Properties > Metadata > Settings
Example of settings in ArcGIS Pro:
Publish or republish your feature service
If republishing in ArcGIS Pro, you will be asked if you want to use the existing description or the description from your Map document. Choose the ‘Use the item description from the map or layer’ option:
Managing ArcGIS Online Groups and Users