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Table of Contents

MobileMap 4.x Basic Configuration Overview

  • Basic configuration for data collection for MobileMap 4.x includes the following steps. For MobileMap 5.x, skip to the MobileMap 5.x section. Most of these steps require an internet connection. Before proceeding, make sure you are connected to WiFi and have a strong signal.


  • Signing into ArcGIS is a critical step for access accessing secure data within MobileMap. It is needed when configuring MobileMap and whenever you are upload uploading or downloading data. It is also used when downloading base maps or getting driving directions.

  • Many users will sign into ArcGIS using their ArcGIS Online username and password. If your organization uses Portal, you will need to sign in using your ArcGIS Portal username and password. Initial setup for Portal users requires a few additional steps. If your organization uses Portal, please read the following page before proceeding MobileMap: Using Portal for ArcGIS

  • To begin, select ‘Sign in to ArcGIS’ from the Actions Menu


Only complete this step if you have been instructed to do so, or you are confident with the data model, completeness of the data, and have read the documentation found in he documentation


    • For each relevant layer, enter in the query ‘where’ statement. Note that download parameters for timber cruise are typically applied to the Stands, Plots, Trees and Logs (where relevant). Examples include:

      • Company_ID='XYZ'

      • Work_Area='Nortwest'

      • Cruiser_ID='JJD'

      • Status='Cruised'

    • Typically metadata tables like Rules and Related_Domains are typically NOT filtered

    • Sometimes whole tables are removed from the download list. For example, while a user may collect data with Generic Points, Lines and Polygons, they may choose to uncheck these layers to prevent them being downloaded to their MobileMap device.


  • Ensure you are connected to WiFi and have a strong signal

  • Actions > DOWNLOAD

    • Wait for the download process to complete

    • If you get an error message stating that a token is required, please re-sign in to ArcGIS (Actions > 'Sign in to ArcGIS')

    • Verify the expected number of features that have been downloaded 

MobileMap 5.x Basic Configuration Overview

Next Step MobileMap: Field Navigation
