Basic Configuration Overview

  1. Get familiar with the ‘Actions Menu’

  2. Sign into ArcGIS

  3. Download base map

  4. Select Feature Service

  5. Initialize Feature Service

  6. Import settings

  7. Enter User-Specific Settings

  8. Confirm download parameters

  9. Download data (optional)

1. Get familiar with the Actions Menu

The Actions Menu is used for many workflows in MobileMap. It is accessed using the Actions Menu icon, second from right in the top right corner of MobileMap.

When the Actions Menu opens, you will see a long list of Actions. The most common actions are at the top of the list and include larger buttons to make selecting them easier. These include ‘Sign in to ArcGIS’, ‘Upload Features’ and ‘Download’. In this initial setup we will use ‘Sign in to ArcGIS’, ‘Download Basemap’, ‘Select Feature Services’, 'Initialize Database' and optionally ‘Download’.

2. Sign In to ArcGIS

3. Download Base Map

MobileMap requires one or more base maps stored in Esri’s Tile Package (TPK) format. These may include aerial imagery, road information, topography, etc. If your device was pre-loaded with base map data you should already be seeing a map at this stage of the configuration. If you believe that your device does already have base map(s), but you are not seeing them, you may need to select the ‘map cache’ or project. To do this, open the ‘Select Map Cache’ dialog (4th button from the right in the upper right of MobileMap) and select your preferred map cache from the list. If your device did not come pre-configured with base map data, this section will cover the steps to download a suitable base map to get started using MobileMap.

In some organizations, base maps are created using a PC and ArcGIS Desktop then transferred to mobile devices for field use. This approach may be optimal for organizations that own or manage land and thus have consistent and large areas where they work. For mone information on creating base map TPKs using ArcGIS Desktop please see MobileMap: Base Map Creation for MobileMap.

In other organization, base maps are created directly within MobileMap. This approach is ideal in several scenarios:

  1. Evaluating MobileMap - When assessing if MobileMap is right for your workflows, direct creation of base maps in MobileMap allows you to quickly download a base map and start testing navigation and data collection. This skips the step of ArcGIS Desktop to create a base map, even if you may chose to do so in production use of MobileMap.

  2. No access to ArcGIS Desktop - For organizations that do not have access to ArcGIS Desktop, or where the users who do have access to ArcGIS Desktop are not available to support base map creation, the option to create base maps directly in MobileMap may be a good fit. It is very easy to do, but there are some limitations to be aware of. Base maps created in MobileMap use ArcGIS map services and have limitations on the size of the base maps that can be created. Size limitations are determine by both the extent and the resolution of the basemap, see details below for more information.

  3. Unpredictable work areas - For organizations that don’t own or manage land, there may be limited advance notice of work areas. In these organizations, there is no real benefit of pre-creating large area base maps - simply use MobileMap to create the base maps for the areas you will work for the next day, week, month, etc. The key thing to remember in this scenario is that you will need a good WiFi connection to create a base map in MobileMap, and it may take a while (typically 5 minutes maximum).

Follow the steps below to download a suitable base map for testing:

4. Select the Feature Service

5. Initialize Feature Service

Initializing the feature service is a critical step in which MobileMap downloads a snapshot of the data model so that all tables and attribute fields are available offline for data collection. It will delete ALL data on your tablet, so make sure that any data that were previously collected (if relevant) have been uploaded before continuing. Note that this step does NOT download data (e.g., points, that will happen in the final step listed on this page.

6. Import Settings

MobileMap is a highly configurable application, and many of the configurations are stored in the application settings. Application settings can be exported as a text file, or imported from a text file. The preferred approach, however, is to import the settings from the feature service. The steps below assume that the data manager has saved the most critical settings for your feature service directly to that feature service, so they can be imported during this configuration process.

Note that there may be times when it is helpful to restore the default MobileMap settings prior to importing settings. This can be useful when a user has edited settings or has imported settings from other Feature Services in the past. To restore default settings, simply tap the refresh (recycle) icon and confirm you want to restore the default settings. Once the defaults have been restored, you can go back and import the settings using the steps above to ensure all settings on your devices are either the default values or those that are stored on the Feature Service you will be using.

7. Enter User-Specific Settings

8. Confirm Download Parameters (Optional)

MobileMap supports filters known as download parameters when downloading data. Download parameters are optional, but can be helpful when a user does not want to download all of the data stored in a feature service. Examples include scenarios where a user only works in a particular region, or where they should only download data that has been assigned to their company.

Only complete this step if you have been instructed to do so, or you are confident with the data model, completeness of the data, and have read the documentation found in he documentation

9. Download (Optional)

The download task downloads all new or modified data. On the first download, it will download all data in a feature service, or all features that meet the download parameters defined in the previous step. On future downloads, it will download only those data that meet the download parameters AND have been created or modified since the last download.

This step is listed as optional on this page because it is not necessary to download any data in order to collect new features. A typical workflow, however, includes downloading features such as stand boundaries and plot locations that will be used in the field for collected or editing attributes.

If downloading data for use in MobileMap, do the following

Next Step MobileMap: Field Navigation

Previous Step MobileMap: Installation and Licensing