Map document name - we recommend using the same name as the feature (e.g., Cruise_Data_Model_v2). This is helpful when overwriting a Feature Service, as ArcMap will know which Feature Service you are attempting to overwrite.
Map Layer - set projection to Web Mercator (Auxiliary Sphere)
Map Document Properties
Required properties - you must supply the following attributes prior to publishing
Title - We recommend using the same name as the MXD and Feature Service name
Tags - We recommend using ‘MobileMap’ and optionally ‘InventoryManager’ (if relevant)
Optional properties -
Summary - Use as appropriate to clarify the intended use of this service
Description - MobileMap settings can be copied from a MobileMap settings file (Actions > Export Settings) into the ArcMap/ArcPro Description field prior to publishing the service. When MobileMap settings are saved in the Map Document Properties Description field, they can be imported into MobileMap (Actions > Export Settings) when users are setting up their device for field use. While this step is not required, it is highly recommended in order to provide efficient and consistent configuration of MobileMap devices. Note that there are some situations where this may not be desired (e.g., cases where MobileMap settings will be imported from settings files, rather than the feature service due to the use of different settings under different scenarios). When copying MobileMap settings into your map document prior to publishing, follow these steps
Configure one MobileMap device with all appropriate settings
Export settings to a text file (Actions > Export Settings) and open up text file on your PC
Use a text editing tool to remove unnecessary whitespaces including line breaks, tabs and spaces (e.g., https://www.browserling.com/tools/remove-all-whitespace)
Paste the condensed settings into ArcMap > Map Document Properties > Description or ArcGIS Pro > Map Properties > Metadata > Settings
Example of settings in ArcGIS Pro:
Layer Order
The typical layer order is as follows: