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  • MobileMap uses a specific directory structure which must be followed closely. This directory structure can be implemented on a device's internal SD card, but is typically implemented on an external SD card.

  • The folder structure for MobileMap can be created in one of 3 different ways:

    • Create the folder structure directly on your mobile device using the default file manager on your device

    • Connect your mobile device to your PC using a USB cable and then use Windows Explorer to create the folder structure on your device (e.g., This PC > Galaxy Tab Active > Card)

    • Remove the MicroSD Card from your device and insert it into your PC (using an SD Card adapter) then use Windows Explorer to create the folder structure on the card (e.g., Card (D:)). If base map TPKs are available, copy them into the TPK folder for the appropriate project folder. Finally, remove the MicroSD card from your PC and reinsert it into your device then power on your device.

  • The folder structure should look this:

    • SD Card

      • MobileMap

        • default

        • project1

          • TPK

          • SHP

        • project2

          • TPK

          • SHP

  • Start by creating a parent MobileMap data folder called MobileMap.

  • Within the MobileMap folder create one subfolder for each project or 'map cache'.  Some users create new map cache folders for each geographic area where they work.  Other users create different map cache folders for different types of work, based on the base map data they like to have displayed when performing that work.  Still others use a single map cache for all of their work.  The strategy will depend on the volume of data that you need, the number of distinct geographic areas where you work, the degree to which larger work areas are separated into regions or other groups, etc.  For this example we will create two map caches, one for Washington and the other for Oregon.

  • For each map cache folder (e.g., sdcard\MobileMap\region1), create two subfolders, TPK and SHP.

  • Add shapefiles to the SHP folder and TPKs to the TPK folder.

    • Note that Shapefiles must be projected into WGS 1984 Web Mercator (auxiliary sphere) to display correctly in MobileMap.

    • Shapefiles names should not include spaces or special characters.

    • There is a known bug in MobileMap that prevents proper display of date fields in Shapefiles. If dates are needed, they will need to be converted to text. To do this, follow these steps:

      • Create new text field

      • Calculate the text representation for the date by using field calculation capabilities in ArcMap or ArcPro (e.g., Datefield = [Orig_Date]). This will store dates as text in the format M/D/YYYY (e.g., ‘1/23/2019’)


  • After step 7 above, and before saving your file into it's final destination it is possible modify the TPK to remove the maximum scale parameter.  This step involves several steps and can be thought of as an advanced technique. If you are not comfortable with manipulating files and file management in both a PC and Android please do not attempt this process. To remove the maximum scale parameter complete these steps:

    • Copy the TPK file produced in step 6 above to a PC where you have access to a 3rd party zip file creator application like 7-zip (the default Windows zip capabilities will not work correctly for this process) and a text editor (e.g., Notepad++, Atom)

    • Rename the TPK file extension from .tpk to .zip

    • Unzip the file

    • Navigate within the resulting folder to \servicedescriptions\mapserver

    • Open the mapserver.json file in a text editor and do the following

      • Search for the text "maxScale"

      • Wherever this property exists and is not set to zero, it will be set to the map scale that cooresponds corresponds to the zoom level you selected when building the TPK.  For example, if you selected zoom level 15, you will find one or more instances of  "maxScale": 18055.95 which indicates that the maximum map scale is 1:18,055.

      • Replace all instances of this with the map scale for zoom level 23, using: "maxScale": 70.53

      • Save the modified file

    • Re-zip the folder using your Zip applications, setting to no compression (e.g., compressionf format = 'storage').  This step is important, we don't want to actually compress the data, we just want to contain it into a single zip file

    • Replace the .zip file extsnesion extension to .tpk

    • Copy the zip resulting TPK file to the correct destination folder in MobileMap and test  
