Publishing Settings from ArcMap or ArcPro
Configure test device to get all settings working as expected
Export from MobileMap
Open settings file on PC
Sort setting alphabetically (for readability)
Use to sort
Note that you only want to sort the lines between ”general_settings:”:{ and the trailing 2 } otherwise you will break the json code
Remove unnecessary settings
Increasingly more settings are being used, because if a user takes advantage of new functionality that will support multiple offline services, they may switch from a service that had setting A populated to a service where it is not. If they do that, it won’t overwrite/restore setting A, so they will end up in service to with setting A still set (from service 1).
Best practice is to remove things that aren’t relevant (e.g. Harvest settings) or that should NEVER change, such as Unique_ID, Parent_ID
Validate the JSON you just mucked with
Remove all that damn whitespace
Publish with Settings
Paste into Map Document Properties in ArcMap
If republishing, there is a trick, if you just update in Map Document Properties, it will not overwrite, so you have to paste in to the settings during the publish dialog
ArcGIS Pro
Paste into Map Document Properties → Metadata → Description text box
If republishing/overwriting service, and want to update the settings, update the settings in the Map Document Properties. Then, when overwriting the service, select the radio button that says “Use item description from the map or layer”.
Advanced Option- Updating Service Definition
To update single Settings values via the Rest Admin:
Navigate to the Rest Admin and select Update Service Definition
Find on the setting of interest (you can use the exported MobileMap settings file to get the exact name of any setting)
Delete the existing value for the setting and enter the new value
Tap Update Service Definition to save changes
To update all the settings via the service definition in the Rest Admin, replace all ‘ “ ' with ' \” ’ (no single quotes). If updating your settings files exported from MobileMap there may be line breaks already in place that looks: \”, these will need .