MobileMap: Stand Summaries
MobileMap supports offline reporting of stand summary statistics. These statistics can be useful for evaluating stand attributes while in the field. They include a range of statistics calculated from the plot and tree data collected for a single stand. Stand summary statistics do not currently include log-level information. The following metrics are included in a stand summary report.
Stand size (acres)
Plot size (BAF or fixe area size in fraction of acre)
Number of plots
Total number of plots per stand
Number of measured plots
Number of trees
Total number of 'in' trees
Number of tallied trees
Number of measured trees
Ratio of measured trees to total
Measured trees by species (total trees, ratio)
Trees per plot
Standard error (%)
Min (at selected confidence level)
Max (at selected confidence level)
Target sample size (at selected confidence level and allowable error level(s))**
Basal Area
Standard error (%)
Min (at selected confidence level)
Max (at selected confidence level)
Target sample size (at selected confidence level and allowable error level(s))**
Basal Area by species
Standard error (%)
Min (at selected confidence level)
Max (at selected confidence level)
Target sample size (at selected confidence level and allowable error level(s))**
TPA by species
QMD by species
Average (per acre)*
Standard error (%)*
Min (per acre, at selected confidence level)*
Max (per acre, at selected confidence level)*
Volume (per acre) by species*
* Typically not available. Requires an specifically formatted tree volume database. More details on generating this database can be provided upon request
** Available at release 4.4.3
The following equations are used in the calculations described above. They are documented here to help clarify the methodology and the inputs required.
Standard Error / Sampling Error
Standard error is a commonly used metric to quantify the error in the sample mean given the the observed variability in the measured attribute of interest. Standard error gives the accuracy of a sample mean by measuring the sample-to-sample variability and provides insight into how precise the mean of the sample is as an estimate of the true mean of the population. In forestry, it is commonly called Sampling Error and presented as a percent of the mean (denoted E%). The equation below calculates standard error as a percent of the mean:
σ = standard deviation
n = sample size
x̄ = sample mean
Target Sample Size
Target sample size is used to determine the number of samples (e.g., Plots) that would be required to achieve the specified allowable error threshold given the required confidence level and the observed variability in the measured attribute of interest.