Tree and Log Popup Mode

You select tree and log attribute values using a popup dialog, rather than just keyboard. This generally applies to fields that use Coded Value Domains, but can be configured to work for fields that do not.

Settings are included to chose the mode (disabled, codes, descriptions, both), the number of columns to use when displaying values in the popup (1-5) and a configuration in which particular fields can be set as well as the domain values to use. This setting allows for subsetting domains, or even the use of pseudo-domains (picklist that is not driven by Coded Value Domains).

Turn on Tree and Log Popup Mode

  1. Open MobileMap Settings in Settings > MobileMap Cruise > Trees > Tree and Log Popup Mode


    Note: The default setting is ‘Disabled’.

  2. Next set the number of Tree and Log Popup Columns

  3. Set the Tree and Log Popup Fields for fields with Coded Value Domains (CVD)

    1. Coded Value Domains (CVD) will automatically have popups, you do not need to add these fields to the Popup Fields list. If you would like to constrain the fields that have popups or limit the attributes available you can do this in the Tree and Log Popup Fields

      Here the Species codes have been constrained to two species: DF and WF



  4. Set the Tree and Log Popup Fields for fields without CVD

    1. If a field does not have a coded value domain you can still use the popup function by defining the codes for the field

      In this example the Species fields and Component fields are list with the code and description

  5. Syntax from MobileMap

    1.  Format is fieldname:code1/description1,code2/description2;field2:code1/description1,code2/description2 (e.g., 'Species:DF/Douglas fir,WH/western hemlock' - without quotes).  If field name is included and field uses Coded Value Domain (CVD) code/description pairs are not needed (e.g., 'Species;Product;).  Only those codes listed will be in popup (can be used to subset full list of codes).   Descriptions not needed if using field with CVD (e.g., 'Species:DF,WH,LP,PP;Product;).  Leave this setting blank to use keyboard-only data entry for all tree and log fields

  6. Placeholder