InventoryManager: Trees and Logs Panel
When plot features are selected, any trees that have been collected for that plot will be displayed in the Trees table at the bottom of the map. Note that tree records can only be accessed through plots, so trees will not be displayed if only their stand (but not plot) is selected. If the cruise data model supports the collection of log data, a Logs table will be displayed below the trees table.
Note that the Search tool restricts the features that can be selected. If tree records are not displayed as expected when selecting a Plot that contains trees, check the Search tool to see if a search layer has been defined. To ensure that trees are properly displayed, select Plots as the search layer, then re-select the plot you are interested. You can also remove the selected layer by setting it back to the option Select Layer to Search to remove the restriction completely.
Edit Existing Tree Records
To edit an existing tree record, click the edit (blue pencil) icon to the right of the tree record.
Each cell in the selected tree row will change from a read-only value to an editable input (dropdown, number picker, text input, etc.).
Select or enter the desired value(s) in field that needs to be updated.
When all edits have been been made, click the save (green checkmark).
If there are validation errors (e.g. required fields that are missing, values that exceed range domains) invalid cells will be highlighted red. Hovering the error cells will display a popup.
Tree IDs require an ordered sequence. A Tree ID can only be edited to the maximum number of trees. After saving a change to Tree ID all other Tree IDs will be updated to be in sequence from 1 to the total number of trees. This sequencing also applies to Logs and their Log IDs.
After updated a Tree ID, logs belonging to the tree will have their Log IDs updated.
Updating a Log’s Tree ID will move that Log to another tree.
Example, updating Tree with 2 Logs from Tree ID 3 to Tree ID 5.
Prepare Update:
Save and automated updates reconcile Tree ID:
Enter New Tree
To enter a new tree record, click the large green + sign at the top of the tree table.
A new row will appear at the top of the table, and each cell in that will be displayed as an editable input (dropdown, number picker, text input, etc.).
Select or enter the desired value(s) in field that needs to be updated.
Note that InventoryManager will attempt to auto-populate the tree ID using the next available tree ID value. Usually this value can be accepted as-is, but there may be times when you want to modify this value. If the Tree ID is set to a value less than the next available Tree ID then all Trees will renumber their Tree ID to sequential order.
When all edits have been been made, click the save (smaller green plus sign in new tree row).
If there are any validation errors (e.g. required fields that are missing, values that exceed range domains) the cells will be highlighted in red. Hovering the error cells will display a popup with information about the validation error.
If you need to cancel the new tree creation, click the large green + sign at the top of the tree table (not the smaller green + sign to the right of new tree row).
Delete Existing Tree Records
To delete an existing tree record, click the delete (red trash can) icon to the right of the tree record.
You will be asked to confirm the deletion.
Warning: this action cannot be undone!
Check Cruise Mode
Only applies to trees with Cruise Type field including “Check Cruise” value.
If a Check Cruise tree is added to a Plot then the Plot enters Check Cruise Mode.
A Check Cruise Tree is marked by blue text.
Check Cruise Mode prevents adding and editing trees where Cruise Type is Standard.
Check Cruise Mode limits Log options for Tree ID to only Check Cruise Trees.
Updating a Check Cruise Tree’s value for Tree ID will update Logs attached to the Check Cruise Tree to include the changed Tree ID.
Changing Tree ID for a Check Cruise Tree or Log ID for a Check Cruise Tree’s Log will not update sequence. In other words, a Check Cruise Tree can have any Tree ID and it will not effect or renumber Standard or Check Cruise Tree IDs.
While in Check Cruise Mode the only available Cruise Type option becomes Check Cruise.
If all Check Cruise Trees are deleted, Check Cruise Mod is deactivated.