InventoryManager: Map Panel

InventoryManager: Map Panel

The primary interface for InventoryManager is the Map panel, which is used to display and interact with spatial data, including inventory stands and plots.  The map is configurable and your instance of InventoryManager may have additional map layers (e.g., roads, streams, culverts, gates) that are used as reference layers.  Other options include the default base map, and settings regarding what layers can be created and edited.  If any of the functionality described here are not present in your InventoryManager site, please contact your administrator.


Basic Map Functionality

  • Zoom:

    • Use the + or – buttons in the upper left corner of the map (the zoom action is centered over the middle of the map window).

    • Hover over an area and use the scroll button on the mouse (the zoom action is centered over the cursor).

    • Draw a box: hold shift, then click and drag the cursor to specify a zoom area.

  • Pan:

    • Click and drag anywhere within the map panel to move the map around.

  • Basemap:

    • Use the dropdown menu in the top right corner of the map to choose from several basemap options such as imagery, topographic, streets, and more.

  • Legend:

    • Use the arrow icon at each tier to collapse the whole legend or independent layers.

    • Toggle layers on and off using the eye icon.

    • Click the pencil icon to enable/disable feature creation mode (note that feature creation is disabled on some InventoryManager sites according to business requirements).

  • Select features:

    • Click any feature on the map to select and view its attributes in the Query Results. If more than one feature share a location, or are overlapping, the single, top feature will be selected. 

    • To select multiple features: First select one feature then hold the shift key while clicking on other features.

      • Use the left and right arrows in the Query Results to see the attributes, and highlight the spatial location, of each selected feature.  For example, the default behavior when clicking on a Plot feature is to select the Plot and the Stand that contains it.   To toggle focus between the selected Plot and the select Stand, use the Use the left and right arrows in the Query Results.

    • Hold the Shift key and click on a feature and it will add that feature to the currently selected features

    • To restrict selection of feature to a single layer, use the Search tool in the Actions panel and select the desired layer.  For example, if Plots is selected in the Search tool as the layer to search, clicking on a plot in the map will restrict the selection to just that plot, instead of also selecting the Stand that contains it.