InventoryManager: Editing Plot Data
Editing Plot Data
You can edit the general Plot attributes similar to the process described in Feature Editing. When selecting any feature for editing it is helpful to add that feature to the Search menu. This ensures you are only selecting the features you want to edit. For example if you did not set Plots in the Search window and clicked in the map on the plot of interest you will select the plot and the stand or polygon the plot is within. Unless you are making bulk edits to many plots it is best to select the individual plot you want to edit.
You can search for a plot of interest for editing, Zoom to the plot or manually click on that plot in the map view. Again for general Plot attribute editing or bulk editing follow the process described in Feature Editing.
In Inventory Manager you can also edit the Tree data on each plot.
You can add a tree record with the green plus symbol.
Edit exiting tree records by clicking in the row and making necessary changes. Then click the green check mark to apply changes or the red 'x' to cancel changes.
Click on the red trash can to delete a tree record.