InventoryManager: Feature Editing

InventoryManager: Feature Editing

Attribute Editing

To edit the attributes of an existing feature or features:

  • Click on the feature, or use search to select one or more features.

  • The selected feature or features will be displayed in the results panel in the lower left corner of the screen and will be highlighted in the map.

  • If multiple features have been selected, left and right arrows at the top of the results panel will allow you to cycle between the selected features.  The currently highlighted feature will have a red and yellow highlight, while the other features in the selection set will have only a yellow highlight.

  • Editing is only permitted when all selected features are in the same layer.

  • To restrict selection to a single layer, use the Search tab and select the layer that contains the features you would like to edit.

  • Once the correct feature(s) are selected for a single layer, the edit buttons will be visible at the top of the results panel.

    • To edit attributes of the highlighted feature, click on the edit single feature button.

    • To edit all of the selected features (batch edit), click on the edit multiple features button.

  • Modify the appropriate fields

    • Note that only a subset of fields will be available for editing.  If a field that you would like to edit is not editable, please contact your administrator or MB&G's Software Support Team to determine if that field can be enabled for editing in InventoryManager.

    • Some fields may have dropdowns, others may have number pickers (up and down arrows), date pickers (calendars) while others may be free text.

    • To clear out existing data in a dropdown, select the first option ().

  • When modifications are complete, click Submit to save your changes.

  • If you decide not to save your changes, click Cancel to cancel.

    the edit operation

  • If you are saving a multi-feature (batch) edit you will see a warning, simply confirm if you did intend to edit multiple features.

Geometry Editing

Modify the geometry via vertex editing

  • Click on the feature, or use search to select a single feature.

  • Geometry editing is only available when a single feature is selected.

  • Geometry editing is typically only supported for polygon and polyline features.

  • Click on the edit geometry  button.

  • On the map, click a solid white vertex to delete it…..

  • Or, click and drag a solid white vertex to move it to the desired new location.

  • Or, click and drag a transparent white vertex (handles midway between two existing vertices) to create new vertex and position it.

  • When geometry edits are complete click Save to finish.

  • If you wish to cancel your edits, click Cancel to cancel the edit leaving the geometry as-is.

Add additional area to a shape (Expand a polygon or polyline)

  • Click on the feature, or use search to select a single feature.

    • Geometry editing is only available when a single feature is selected.

    • Geometry editing is typically only supported for polygon and polyline features.

    • Click on the edit geometry button.

    • If editing a Line or Polygon, select the matching shape tool from the left-hand side of the map.

      • If editing a line, select the Line Tool:

      • If editing a polygon, select the Polygon Tool:

    • Draw a line or polygon near or on the shape you want to add to. This will create a light blue line for your addition.

      • Select Finish from the options next to the selected Line or Polygon Tool.

      • Select Add Shape from the buttons at the bottom of the options on the left-hand-side of the map.

      • Changes will be made to the working copy of the shape, but will not be saved until selecting the Save button in the next step.

      • When geometry edits are complete click Save to finish.

      • If you wish to cancel your edits, click Cancel to cancel the edit leaving the geometry as-is.

Cut a shape by drawing a line across it (Split a polygon or polyline)

  • Click on the feature, or use search to select a single feature.

    • Geometry editing is only available when a single feature is selected.

    • Geometry editing is typically only supported for polygon and polyline features.

    • Click on the edit geometry button.

    • Select the line tool tool on the left-hand side of the map.

    • Line Tool:

    • Draw a line across or in the shape you want to cut or split. This will create a light blue line for your cut:

    • Select Finish from the options next to the selected Line or Polygon Tool.

    • Select Cut Shape from the buttons at the bottom of the options on the left-hand-side of the map.

    • Changes will be made to the working copy of the shape, but will not be saved until selecting the Save button in the next step.

    • When geometry edits are complete click Save to finish.

    • If you wish to cancel your edits, click Cancel to cancel the edit leaving the geometry as-is.


Cut into a shape by drawing a polygon in it (Create a Donut)

  • Click on the feature, or use search to select a single feature.

    • Geometry editing is only available when a single feature is selected.

    • Geometry editing is typically only supported for polygon and polyline features.

    • Click on the edit geometry button.

    • Select the polygon tool on the left-hand side of the map.

    • Draw a polygon across or completely within the shape you want to cut. This will create a light blue polygon for your cut. Click on the first vertex to finish the polygon or select Finish from the options next to the selected Line or Polygon Tool.

    • Select Cut Shape from the buttons at the bottom of the options on the left-hand-side of the map.

    • Changes will be made to the working copy of the shape, but will not be saved until selecting the Save button in the next step.

    • When geometry edits are complete click Save to finish.

    • If you wish to cancel your edits, click Cancel to cancel the edit leaving the geometry as-is.

Splitting Polygons (historic approach)

**Polygon and Lines can now be split using Geometry Editing - See instructions above.

Where appropriate, the Polygon Split tool can be enabled to allow users to split a Stand into 2 stands. This process can be used iteratively to take a large area, like a property boundary, and subdivide it into multiple Stands while avoiding gaps (slivers) or areas of overlap.

To split a polygon follow the steps below. If you do not see the Split Tool when digitizing has been enabled on the Stands layer, contact your InventoryManager administrator to see if this can be enabled on your site.

  1. Search, pan or zoom to locate the stand you want to split. You want to zoom in close enough that you can follow a meaningful feature in the imager to divide the stand, such as a road, harvest boundary, ridgeline or stream.

  2. In the map legend, click the draw tool (pencil icon) in the Stand layer. It should turn orange to indicate that digitizing is enabled.

  3. You should now see the split tool above the polygon tool in the map editing tools in the upper left corner of the map.

  4. Using the split tool, click just outside the boundary of the polygon you want to split, then click out the vertices of the split line from one side of the stand to the other. Finally, click outside of the stand on the other side, so that your split line completely bisects the stand boundary, then double click to close the split line.

  5. Click the submit button to complete the split operation

  6. InventoryManager will clip off one side of the polygon and create a completely new Stand polygon feature. The new feature will be selected, allowing you to use attribute editing interface to update the Stand_ID and other key attribute fields.

  7. Repeat as necessary to achieve the desired Stand polygons

Merging Polygons (from single part into multipart)

Where appropriate, the Merge Tool can be enabled to allow users to merge 2 or more Stands into a single stand. This can be useful when two nearby Stands have similar cover type and age and it is desired to treat as one unit from a sampling and analysis perspective. If the stand boundaries overlap or are adjacent, they will be merged into a single polygon Stand. If they are not, they will be merged into a multipart Stand.

To merge multiple Stands into a single multipart Stand follow the steps below. If you do not see the Merge Tool when multiple Stands have been selected, contact your InventoryManager administrator to see if this can be enabled on your site.

Merging will retain attributes of the last selected feature but WILL NOT retain attributes from the features merged into the last selected feature.

If a merged shape has plots then those plots will no longer be associated to any parent feature that has been merged. The plots now require Validation. Follow these instructions to perform validation on plots: https://woodlandsg.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/kb/view/1340604419

  1. Use Search or Shift+Click to select multiple similar Stand polygons.

  2. Use the left and right arrows to focus the Query Results panel on the Stand who’s attributes will be used for the resulting stand

  3. Click the Merge button

  4. Double check that the Stand displayed in the Query Results panel is the Stand who’s attributes you wish to be used for the resulting stand

  5. Click Save

Exploding Polygons Merging Polygons (from multipart to single part )

Where appropriate, the Explode Tool can be enabled to allow users to explode a multipart Stand into two or more single part Stands. Explode is the opposite of Merge, described above, when the result was a multipart Stand. This can be useful when individual polygons in a multipart Stands will be measured or treated differently or at different times and thus should be treated as unique Stand features.

To explode a multipart stand follow the steps below. If you do not see the Explode Tool when multiple Stands have been selected, contact your InventoryManager administrator to see if this can be enabled on your site.

If an exploded shape has plots then those plots will no longer be associated to any parent feature that has been exploded. The plots now require Validation. Follow these instructions to perform validation on plots: https://woodlandsg.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/kb/view/1340604419

  1. Use Search or Click to select a single multipart Stand feature.

  2. Click the Explode button

  3. Double check that you want to proceed

  4. Click Save

  5. Select each of the resulting stands, 1 by 1, and edit the appropriate attributes using the attribute editing process described above. This is especially important for key fields like Stand_ID, which are typically expected to be unique. Verify as well that calculated fields like Acres have been correctly calculated for each polygon.

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