InventoryManager: Export To Other Formats

InventoryManager: Export To Other Formats

Export features from Inventory Manager to multiple file types: KML, Shapefile, or CSV. 



One KML or CSV file is downloaded per layer selected. For example, the following selection resulted in one file for plots, and one file for Sale Units. Some browsers may require the user to grant permission to download multiple KML or CSV files from the site.

For CSV files, the only spatial information exported are lat/long coordinates. If the features being exported are point features, this will be the lat/long of each point. If the features being exported are polygon features, only the lat/long of the polygon centroid will be exported to the CSV.



Features can only be exported from one layer at a time. Users will be alerted if the selection contains features of more than one geometry type. Clear the selection, or limit the selection to features in one layer by using the Search tool.