InventoryManager: Query Results Panel
When one or more features are selected in the Map Panel, their attributes will be displayed in the Query Results Panel. Use the Query Results panel to inspect and edit attributes, initiate geometry editing, or delete features.
Attribute display:
When features are selected, their attributes are displayed here with the layer name in the top bar. If the current selection contains multiple features, arrows will appear next to the layer name to allow users to browse selected features. When features from multiple layers are selected, the layer name will update to match the currently displayed feature. In the Map Panel, a red highlight will indicate the currently displayed feature.
Edit attributes:
To edit the attributes of the selected feature, click the paper and pencil icon displayed below the layer name. This icon is only displayed when features for a single layer are selected, or when the current layer is not editable. If you do not see this icon, try using the Search Panel to select the layer of interest, then re-select the feature(s) of interest.
Once clicked, the editable attribute fields will display appropriate user interfaces to allow data entry, including text inputs, dropdown lists and date pickers. To update a numeric or text value, simply type the new value over the currently displayed placeholder. To remove a numeric or text value completely (set to null), click the X icon to the right of the current attribute value. To remove a value that is set via a dropdown list, choose the Select a Value option to unselect the current value.
Click Submit to save or Cancel to discard changes
When more than one feature is selected, and all features are from the same feature layer, it is possible to ‘batch’ edit. To initiate a batch edit, click the batch edit button.
When batch editing features, you will see warnings that you are updating multiple records.
Edit geometry:
To edit the geometry of the currently selected feature (currently only supported for polygon features), click the geometry editing icon.
Once geometry editing is initiated, the feature symbology on the map will change to indicate the locations of each vertex.
To move an existing vertex, click and drag a solid square along the line or polygon boundary.
To add a vertex, clicking and drag a transparent square that is displayed at the midpoint between existing vertices.
When finished making edits, click Save Edits. To cancel and return to original geometry, click Cancel Editing.
Delete feature:
To delete a feature completely, click the trash can icon at the bottom of the Query Results Panel. Warning: this action cannot be undone!