InventoryManger: Workflow 1. Implement A New Cruise
Create stand - use create features tool to digitize one or more Stand polygons.
Select a single Stand for plot layout by clicking on it in the map.
Lay out plots (
Select the Plots tab on the Actions Panel.
Choose plot design parameters and fill in other attributes.
Click layout plots to evaluate pattern, revise if necessary.
Save plots.
Repeat for any additional stands needed for the cruise.
Optionally, assign stands and plots to cruisers by updating the feature attributes with the cruiser's ID.
MobileMap (see MobileMap User Guide for more details).
Connect device to Wi-Fi.
Download stand and plots (Actions > Download).
Optionally select target stand and get driving directions (must be on Wi-Fi).
Navigate to first plot.
Use Edit tool and select Plot layer.
Tap on plot to open for editing.
Update Plot level data.
Open Tree List and enter tree data.
Close Tree list.
Update Plot status and Save.
After cursing all plots, open Stand, update Stand status and save.
Connect device to Wi-Fi.
Upload data (Actions > Upload Features).
Review data in InventoryManager and edit as needed.